
Things Get Weird After ABC Reporter Asks Voter What She Likes About Biden - And This Wasn't Even the Worst of It


Pennsylvania Democrats who voted for President Joe Biden in 2020 told ABC News this weekend they are less than thrilled about the prospect of voting for him again.

Biden, who is 80, announced last week he will seek to inflict four more years of his leadership on the country by way of another term in the White House.

Given the fact he has no record to run on, his message essentially has been that he is not a Republican.

That might not be good enough this time around, at least not if sentiments expressed by a number of his voters in Harrisburg and in and around Philadelphia are indicative of how others are feeling across the state — and in others.

On Sunday’s “This Week,” Martha Raddatz spoke to Democrats about their thoughts on voting for Biden in 2024.

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While many of them said they would never vote for the leading GOP candidate, Donald Trump, some were clear they weren’t feeling inspired to go out to again vote against the former president.

That could help Republicans no matter who the party nominates next summer.

Pennsylvania voter Soneyet Muhammad was asked by Raddatz for her reaction to Biden’s announcement he is running for reelection.

“Regret, disappointment, frustration,” she said.

“I feel so uninspired and disconnected from the work that he’s been advancing that it’s not something I’m really excited about,” Muhammad added.

Asked if she would stay home if 2024 were a rematch of 2020, Muhammad said, “Probably.”

But she issued a challenge to Biden: “Get me out of bed, Joe Biden, because frankly, it’s not working.”

But it got worse for Biden.

One woman who also voted for him summarized the inept president’s only real case for a second term with people who are left of center: He isn’t Trump.

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Elaina Symes, a student at Temple University in Philadelphia, was asked by Raddatz whether she is “excited” about Biden’s re-election campaign.

“Not particularly,” she said as she complained he is not “progressive” enough for her.

Raddatz then asked her, “What do you like about Joe Biden?”

It took the 21-year-old nine awkward seconds to come up with an answer.

“That he’s not Trump,” Symes said with a laugh.

Others expressed a similar sentiment about both Biden and Trump, which could signal Democrats are playing a dangerous game if they attempt to force another four years of the president on the country.

To be fair, the same argument could be made for the GOP potentially nominating Trump, given the negative feelings so many people express about the former president after nearly eight years of the establishment media attacking him.

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But Trump’s term gave voters from all backgrounds something Biden has not been able to deliver: positive results.

From 2017 to 2021, the country experienced prosperity that surely even the most ardent Trump opponents are missing, even if they are unwilling to admit it.

Homes were more affordable, gas was cheaper and certain grocery items were not cost-prohibitive for some families.

The prospect of global war also was not on the table.

Life has gotten more difficult and stressful over the course of the last two years for almost everyone.

If committed liberals are not enthused about going to the polls to choose another four years of high crime, high prices and low morale, then Trump or whoever the eventual GOP nominee is certainly has a shot with battleground state independents.

Those are the voters who decide elections, and they’ve been harmed by Biden’s presidency as much as anyone.

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
