
House Report Reveals What FBI Did to Employees Who Spoke Out Against 'Politicized Rot'


The House Judiciary Committee and its subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government released an interim report Thursday revealing that at least three FBI agents were either suspended or had their security clearances revoked over the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion.

The report said the bureau “weaponized the security clearance adjudication process to silence employees who fight against the politicized ‘rot’ within the FBI leadership.”

The interim staff report includes new whistleblower testimony from current and former FBI agents.

“The disclosures from these FBI employees highlight egregious abuse, misallocation of law enforcement resources and misconduct with the leadership ranks of the FBI,” the report said.

It said three agents — Marcus Allen, Stephen Friend and Brett Gloss — had been suspended while their cases were reviewed.

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According to ABC News, Friend and Allen were expected to testify Thursday before the weaponization subcommittee as part of its probe into the federal government’s targeting of conservatives.

The interim report said the FBI whistleblowers “described retaliatory conduct that they have faced after making protected disclosures about what they believed in good faith to be wrong conduct.”

In a letter obtained by Fox News and sent from the FBI to Republicans and Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, the FBI explained why it suspended Friend and Allen.

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The bureau said Friend “refused to participate in the execution of a court authorized, search and arrest of a criminal subject” in August 2022.

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“During his communications with his management about his refusal to participate, he espoused an alternative narrative about the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021,” the letter said.

It also said Friend “participated in multiple, unapproved media interviews, including an interview with a Russian government news agency.”

Allen’s suspension, according to the letter, occurred because the FBI found he “espoused alternative theories to coworkers verbally and in emails and instant messages sent on the FBI systems, in apparent attempts to hinder investigative activity.”

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The timing of their suspensions and the revocation of their security clearance have made many doubt the truth behind the FBI’s statements.

Fox News reported that Friend’s clearance was withdrawn Tuesday — two days before his scheduled appearance at the subcommittee hearing — and Allen’s was rescinded May 3.

“This is a last minute Hail Mary from the FBI in a desperate attempt to salvage their reputation … before brave whistleblowers testify about the agency’s politicized behavior and retaliation against anyone who dares speak out,” Russell Dye, a spokesman for House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, told ABC News.

In his opening statement Thursday, Jordan said, “Today it’s not just presidential campaigns. Today it’s the American people — they’re the target.

“If you’re not politically correct, you’re not in line with what they think should be the political position, the proper position, you’re the target,” the Ohio Republican said.

In its conclusion, the interim report said, “The leadership at the FBI and Justice Department have weaponized federal law enforcement against everyday Americans, seeking to silence those who dare to have a different viewpoint.”

“Meanwhile, whistleblower testimony highlights that the FBI’s partisan leadership is currently engaging in a ‘purge’ of agents who hold conservative political beliefs,” it said.

“The agency’s attacks on bold agents must cease,” the report said, “and this Committee and Select Subcommittee will consider legislation aimed to curb such attacks.”

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