
Democratic Lawmaker Shreds Her Own Party, Alleges Colleagues Are Bribing People to Take Her Down


Georgia Democrat and State Rep. Mesha Mainor is fed up with her own party and called out other Democrats in Georgia on Saturday for putting the needs of illegal immigrants over the needs of black children.

Mainor tweeted that she is, “a sitting Democrat in the Georgia House of Representatives and the Democrat Party Establishment is looking to take me out.”

Mainor initially angered other Democratic lawmakers in the state when she was the lone Democrat to vote in favor of Georgia Senate Bill 233, a pro-school choice bill pushed for by Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican.

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“I support parent choice because some parents have children in schools where their needs are not being met,” Mainor told Fox News Digital.

“In my district in particular, we have schools with 3% reading proficiency, 3% have obtained math proficiency by the eighth grade. And so to say that this is just how it is and that the kid needs to just suffer these consequences, I don’t agree with that. And I don’t think that all parents agree with that either.”

Georgia Senate Bill 233 would have provided vouchers in the amount of up to $6,500 per student that attended a school in the state’s bottom 25 percent in performance that would either help pay for private school tuition or home school expenses.

The measure appeared to have the votes to pass the Republican-controlled house, but 16 Republicans voted against the measure, and Mainor was the lone Democrat who voted in favor.

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At the 0:33 mark of the video that Mainor tweeted, she said, “The Democrats at the Capitol took a hard position and demanded every Democrat vote against children and for the teachers union.”

Mainor uses the phrase “parent choice” as opposed to “school choice” to describe SB 233 and other similar bills, and she tweeted that she is concerned that Democratic lawmakers “chant Black Lives Matter during Election Years but are NOWHERE to be found any other year.”

“Why is no one fighting for young Black minds? Why isn’t that one of the things that we’re fighting for?” Mainor said to Fox News Digital.

At the 1:05 mark of the video Mainor tweeted, she went so far as to accuse the Democratic Party of offering checks to anyone who would run against her in future elections, an action that could be considered a form of bribery.

Mainor, however, is not dissuaded from continuing to fight for the people of her district.

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In the video, she said, “I have never hesitated and will never hesitate to vote for the best interests of the communities I represent over party politics” — and she puts her money where her mouth is.

She votes with Republicans often enough that Democratic State Sen. Josh McLaurin said in a statement to Axios, “There are at least as many members who know Rep. Mainor is more a Republican than a Democrat, not just on vouchers but on a range of issues. But they’re also hesitant to make that public.”

Axios listed other instances in which Mainor voted alongside Republicans, including her vote in favor of a special needs voucher, a ban on the lowering of police budgets and for a new prosecutorial oversight committee.

At the end of the video Mainor said, “I’m not backing down, and I’m actually just getting started.”

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