
DeSantis: Biden 'Stumbling Around' Symbolic of State of Our Country


GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis argued Friday that President Joe Biden falling at the Air Force Academy graduation the previous day is symbolic of the condition of the United States.

After delivering the commencement address at the academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Biden took a nasty fall, tripping over a sandbag onstage.

Speaking at a presidential campaign event in South Carolina on Friday, DeSantis said, “We saw the images yesterday of Biden stumbling around and, you know, honestly, it’s a sad thing to see. You don’t want to see anyone do that. But it was frustrating because, honestly, that was symbolic of the state of our country.

“Our country continues to stub its toe. Our country continues to trip and fall. Our country continues to go in the wrong direction,” he added.

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The Florida governor then listed several issues most Americans are likely concerned about that have happened on Biden’s watch.

“Are you happy with having an open southern border? Are you happy that your dollar has lost almost 20 percent of its purchasing power in the last five years?” DeSantis asked.

“Are you happy that Biden’s trying to kneecap our ability to produce our own energy in this country? Are you happy that we have a bureaucracy that’s been weaponized against people it doesn’t like?” he continued.

DeSantis then suggested that if the president’s son Hunter Biden were a Republican, he would be in jail for the alleged crimes he has committed.

That observation is a reference, at least in part, to the information contained on Hunter Biden’s infamous “laptop from hell.”

The governor also cited rising crime in cities, woke policies and medical mandates as reasons for dissatisfaction.

DeSantis, a Navy veteran who deployed to the Middle East, pointed to Biden’s botched withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan in August 2021, which left 13 American service members dead, as another example of his “incompetence and dereliction of duty.”

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The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows that 67.4 percent of Americans believe the nation is going in the wrong direction, while just 21.8 percent believe it’s going in the right direction.

The RCP average also finds 41.8 percent approve of Biden’s job performance, while 56.1 percent disapprove.

A version of this article originally appeared on Patriot Project.

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