
Op-Ed: The Left Is Launching an All-Out Assault on Our Children Under the Guise of Sex Ed


As I ran for public office in Vermont, I was befuddled by my opponent’s platform for affordable childcare — it seemed counter to their overall legislative record.

Taking a holistic view of global and national Marxist efforts in context with Vermont legislation, I came to a hypothesis: Efforts to expand childcare in Vermont are directly aligned with efforts to groom children from birth for pedophiles.

A recent article by Dr. Robert Malone, “Normalizing Sex as Entertainment,” dug into the push to groom children. Essentially, there is a class of newly wealthy people who have so much money they can buy anything they want. Anything.

Australian Sen. Malcolm Roberts recently published an article and addressed his Senate about the World Health Organization’s efforts to standardize sexual education. This framework is called International Guidance on Sexuality Education, produced as part of the United Nations’ Education 2030 initiative.

Roberts wrote, “Quite frankly, the [WHO’s] Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe is a ‘rapey’ document that reads like the mind of a child-fiddling psychopath given control of public health.” A recent UN/International Commission of Jurists document recommends decriminalizing pedophilia on a global basis.

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Barack Obama gave a speech to Planned Parenthood in July 2007 calling for sexual education for kindergarten children. His “safe school” czar Kevin Jennings founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, an organization promoting dangerous sexual practices to children. GLSEN has received funding from the woke retailer Target for a number of years.

In the prosecution of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted of grooming and trafficking girls, flight logs of Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” were made public. Passengers included a number of high-level government officials and Hollywood personalities.

The UN desensitizes children by teaching them about sex at a very young age — masturbation for preschoolers and pornography for elementary students. The Biden administration is supporting Agenda 2030, and it appears our educators and legislators in Vermont are following right along.

Vermont’s Article 22 was promoted as state constitutional protection for abortion: “That an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

The vagueness of the amendment allows for the protection of far more than just abortion. It is not a leap to envision pedophilia enshrined as a protected right under Article 22, with children groomed to consent.

As Senate Bill 37 moved through the Vermont Legislature this year, significant legal protections were enacted for the sterilization and mutilation of children under the guise of “gender-affirming care.” Decriminalizing the mutilation of minors and legalizing pedophilia align with the UN/ICJ recommendations.

In June 2021, the Essex Westford School District adopted a new equity policy, under which schools “use anti-racist and LGBTQIA+ affirming perspectives to inform curriculum decisions starting in Pre-K.” This has resulted in science and health classes for elementary-age students using the terms “person who produces sperm” and “person who produces eggs” instead of male and female.

State Rep. Art Peterson was one voice against the childcare legislation. In an Op-Ed, he said, “I don’t feel it’s the role of government to get this deeply involved in the raising of children. … Child care is not the state’s business and we should stay out of it at all cost.”

With the extreme global and national sexualization of children, funding childcare to extend grooming to even younger children appears to fit the overall pattern of behavior. Too few legislators share Peterson’s view that childcare is not the state’s business.

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Where do we draw the line to protect our children? Will we take a stand against government leaders’ hypocrisy? Childcare was a key platform of my opponent in the last election, while votes cast in the recent session portend a radical agenda supporting death and destruction, not life.

As concerned citizens, we need to look beyond the rhetoric to the actions. We also need to observe the global Marxist agenda openly promoted by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, et. al. and overlay that with the actions of the Biden administration.

Parents — this is a wake-up call. We know the evil perpetrated by the world’s elite, with millions of children trafficked around the world. The WEF and UN are very public about Agenda 2030, including desensitizing and grooming children.

We need to take control of school boards, take personal responsibility for educating our children and not cede to the state that does not have their best interests in mind.

Keep your trust in Jesus, for as he said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

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Joe Gervais was a 2022 Republican candidate for the Vermont House of Representatives. He is a small business owner and author of the book "Pacific Saints." You can read more of his writings on his "Vermont Musings" blog on Substack.
