
Bombshell: Biden's Alleged Burisma Briber a Russian Asset: Report


A former business associate of Hunter Biden has been identified as an operative for the intelligence service of Russia.

An anonymous U.S intelligence official shared an assessment pinning Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky as a pawn of the Russian SVR intelligence service, RedState Managing Editor Jennifer Van Lahr wrote in a column published Monday.

Zlochevsky founded the Ukrainian energy company Burisma in 2002, going on to hire Hunter Biden to serve on the company’s board in 2014. In a speech on the Senate floor on Monday, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley charged that then-Vice President Joe Biden might have played a role in his son joining Burisma’s board.

The younger Biden was paid handsomely by Burisma, to the tune of up to $83,333 a month, according to a New York Post report from 2021 — generous compensation that critics of the Biden family have likened to a bribe.

Zlochevsky served as a government official in the pro-Russian administration of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych — who was himself impeached by the Ukraine legislature after fleeing the country for Russia in 2014, according to the BBC.

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Zlochevsky faced a corruption investigation from Ukrainian prosecutors after Yanukovych’s removal from office — and allegedly paid $5 million each to Joe and Hunter Biden in a bid to thwart criminal charges against him, according to RedState.

Then-former Vice President Joe Biden bragged about securing the termination of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2018.

During a Council on Foreign Relations event, Biden openly admitted threatening to withhold $1 billion in American aid from Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko if he refused to fire Shokin.

The intelligence source expressed confidence in the assessment of Zlochevsky as a Russian agent, according to Van Lahr. Former President Barack Obama was aware of it during his time in office, and Biden and current Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Victoria Nuland are aware of it as well, the source told Van Lahr.

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“The US intelligence community has a high degree of confidence in their assessment of Zlochevsky as [Russian Foreign Intelligence Service],” the source is quoted as saying.

“This is not a new assessment; the intelligence community under Obama knew this, and Obama was briefed on it. Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland were briefed as well.”

In his Senate speech Monday, Grassley indicated an FBI document implicated an unnamed “foreign national” in bribing Joe and Hunter Biden — and creating audio recordings of phone calls between himself and both of them that implicate the Bidens in the bribery.

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Three Republican members of Congress have identified this foreign national as Zlochevsky, according to the New York Post.

In his 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things,” Hunter Biden described his service on Burisma’s board as a means to thwart the ambitions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Zlochevsky appointed Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board months after a popular uprising in Ukraine swept Yanukovych from power in 2014.

A Ukrainian criminal investigation into Zlochevsky for allegedly embezzling state funds has been stalled by the oligarch’s unclear whereabouts, according to Reuters.

The Ukraine Anti-Corruption Court is seeking to try him in absentia, Newsweek reported Monday.

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