
Asian Leader Embroiled in Huge Scandal for Doing What Creepy Biden Does All the Time


If only Anwar Ibrahim lived in the United States and had CNN and MSNBC to back him up.

Anwar, 75, is the prime minister of Malaysia, having finally risen to the top in the elections last November after what was described as a “roller-coaster political journey, from a former deputy prime minister whose sacking and imprisonment in the 1990s,” according to The Associated Press. He’s the fourth prime minister in three years and comes after the country’s longtime leader, Najib Razak, was convicted and sent to prison on massive corruption charges.

He’s now embroiled in a major scandal — although not for corruption or political backstabbing, or anything of the sort. Instead, he just did what it seems President Joe Biden does practically every week.

According to Malaysia Now, Anwar is under fire after a “flirtatious” remark he made to an 18-year-old girl at a political event Saturday.

During a question-and-answer session at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, the student asked “how Malaysia can become a first-class nation in the future, and what the government and youths can do towards realizing this ideal,” Free Malaysia Today reported.

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“She also asked about [the government’s] strategy in dealing with the declining value of the ringgit,” the local currency.

Anwar praised the young woman for her eloquence and then responded, “If I was young, I would have asked [for your] phone number.”

The moderator added, “If [Anwar] has gotten the number, please pass it to me.”

Here’s video of the interaction, which is in Malaysian but speaks for itself:

The moment has become a flashpoint in Malaysia, where a tenuous unity government is in place after a divided electoral vote left Anwar’s coalition to make a pact with the country’s longtime establishment coalition to form a parliamentary majority.

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Sasha Lyna Abdul Latiff of Bersatu, the third major coalition that isn’t part of the unity government, slammed the remarks as sexist and demanded an apology.

“It was a classic and stunning display of discriminatory, bigoted and sexist language by the 75 year old Prime Minister to the 18 year old Adriana,” she said in a Facebook post.

“In no circumstances is this kind of language acceptable; in a public televised forum, it is doubly shocking. What sort of example is the country’s PM setting for the youth of the nation? That it’s fine to ignore the intelligence and capacity of women, and instead treat them as an object of flirtation?”

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“Surely the same question would not have been asked if the question was posed by a boy or a man. To sum up, it is never ok for a leader and a leader of a nation at that, to utter such words to a student in the guise of being humorous. Anwar should have known better and the episode reflects ill upon him. This is a man fond of emphasizing ‘civilized discourse’ from every forum and pulpit. But civilized discourse seems to have deserted him on this occasion,” she added. “Women and girls should be able to perform in public forums and work places without fear of sexism rearing its ugly head.

“We hope that the women leader’s in [Anwar’s coalition] and the ‘Unity’ government do not keep silent over this manifest example of sexism by their own leader. They must speak up for girls and women or be branded hypocrites.”

“We also urge the Prime Minister to accept that he had made a blatantly sexist comment in a public forum and apologize to the student affected and to all who participated in the event, as well as to the nation.”

In Malaysia, this is considered a serious scandal. In the United States, it’s called most days that, one, end in “y” and, two, involve the president interacting with children:

WARNING: The following tweets contain graphic language that some viewers will find offensive.

Amazing. This guy Anwar is in big trouble, and he didn’t even get to sniff her hair!

What’s worth noting is that the Republican Party’s elected officials have done little to nothing after each of these creepy incidents, preferring to just let gross Uncle Joe be gross Uncle Joe. Meanwhile, one remark from the prime minister of Malaysia to an 18-year-old, and he’s in hot water.

America’s president acts in an unseemly manner toward young women so frequently that not even the opposition party or the media bothers to call attention to it anymore. If only Malaysian leaders had it so lucky.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture
