
Ben & Jerry's Parent Company Gets Its Stock Rocked After Ice Cream Maker Posts Woke July 4 Tweet


People who live in glass houses…

The New York Post reported that Unilever, the company that owns Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, has suffered a decrease in stock price and market cap after Ben & Jerry’s posted a tweet on Independence Day condemning the U.S. for existing on “stolen Indigenous land.”

“This 4th of July, it’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it,” the ice cream maker said.

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By Thursday, two days after the woke tweet, Unilever’s stock price had fallen 1.9 percent for a corresponding market cap loss of $1.7 billion.

Interestingly, Ben & Jerry’s tweet left out the fact that the land its headquarters sits on in Burlington, Vermont, is within the historic territory of the Abenaki tribe, according to Newsweek.

Twitter users were quick to point out the hypocrisy and demand that the restitution of land start with Ben & Jerry’s.

Of course, Ben & Jerry’s executives have no intention of “returning” their land. Their tweet was just rhetoric, allowing them to signal their commitment to social justice and ending “white supremacy.”

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Like every other company, they’re here to make as much money as possible. If they were concerned about “racism,” they wouldn’t be in the business of making a fatty, sugary dessert in a country where black people are twice as likely to die from diabetes as white people.

Or maybe Ben & Jerry’s hasn’t figured out that ice cream is, of course, inherently racist.

It also apparently hasn’t figured out that the American people are sick and tired of being lectured and treated like criminals by the self-righteous woke elite.

Although there are many things companies like Ben & Jerry’s and Bud Light don’t like about regular Americans, they sure do like their money.

But it looks like some Americans aren’t willing to be the puppy that licks your hand after you’ve kicked it. Woke companies are starting to learn that they’re going to have to pick between their politics and their bottom line.

Bud Light learned it the hard way.

Will Ben & Jerry’s be next?

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
