
'Biden Is So Stupid': Joe Admits What the Rest of America Is Thinking


CORRECTION, July 10, 2023: The Hudson River tunnel project in New York, which President Joe Biden mentioned in his South Carolina remarks, is designed to upgrade rail travel through the area. An earlier version of this article misidentified its purpose.

President Joe Biden’s streak of embarrassing gaffes is continuing, but in his latest gaffe, he inadvertently admitted what most Americans think of his presidency.

On Thursday, Biden made a visit to South Carolina to tout his new economic plan, dubbed “Bidenomics” by the White House.

In typical Biden fashion, his speech included some rather bizarre statements.

At one point, for example, the president claimed that six years ago, he had no idea what a “supply chain” was.

That wasn’t a good look for a man who has been in politics since the 1970s and was vice president for eight years — and who used the term in a 2015 speech.

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However, there was one statement he made at the beginning of his speech that is impossible to ignore.

Biden began his speech by saying, “I once said, ‘Everybody take a seat,’ and there were no seats. They said, ‘Biden is so stupid, he didn’t know there were no seats.'”

Many responded to the bizarre statement by pointing out that for once, Biden actually has a good point.

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Frankly, it’s hard for people to disagree with what Biden said. He seemingly cannot get through a single speech without tripping over his words, saying something weird, or forgetting the name of the person standing next to him.

Is it any wonder then that, according to NPR, more than 60 percent of Americans believe that Biden’s mental fitness to serve is questionable?

Are you concerned with Biden’s mental capability?

Everything that we have seen since he took office has proven them right.

This really is not news to most people, as it has been noticeable for the past three years.

What’s different, however, is that now Biden is admitting that that’s what people think of him, albeit unwittingly.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
