
Rep. Comer Announces Investigation Into Cocaine Discovery: 'A Shameful Moment in the White House's History'


For almost a week we’ve been hearing about the bag of cocaine found in the White House as if this was the 1800s and anyone could just walk in to say hello to the president of the United States.

The guy who walked into the Capitol and put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk got four years in prison, but this week, somehow, no one seemed too concerned that someone got into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with an illicit substance.

But finally, the Republicans are demanding some accountability.

In a Friday letter to Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer condemned the agency for its “unacceptable” failure, according to Business Insider.

Comer stated that the incident “requires the Committee to assess White House security practices and determine whose failures led to an evacuation of the building and finding of the illegal substance.”

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“The presence of illegal drugs in the White House is unacceptable and a shameful moment in the White House’s history,” he wrote.

In his role as chairman of the Oversight Committee, Comer appears to have the authority here to hold the government accountable and ensure transparency in matters of national importance. He called on the Secret Service to brief committee staff by next Friday.

There seems to be a consensus among most Americans that the White House cocaine affair is a cut-and-dry “mystery” not worthy of Hercule Poirot or even Nancy Drew.

But the official story keeps changing, with the location where the dope was discovered magically moving farther and farther away from the Biden family with every iteration.

While it was initially reported that the substance was found on Sunday in the White House library, it was later reported to have been found in the West Wing lobby.

The location of the bag then moved again to a “cubby area” in the basement close to parking spaces for Vice President Kamala Harris’ vehicles.

With so many foggy memories surrounding such an extraordinary event at the presidential home, not to mention the apparent lack of any security footage in the most highly protected house in the country, one wonders if cocaine was the only illicit substance being used at the White House.

The Secret Service may be able to put the speculation to bed on Friday, but if the past is any indicator of the transparency of this administration, Americans shouldn’t be holding their breath.

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Odds are we will witness, yet again, the two-tiered system of justice that seems to shield the Biden family from any accountability, no matter the circumstances.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
