
Megyn Kelly Reveals State of Her Relationship with Trump Years After Famous 'Blood' Comment


Megyn Kelly has buried the hatchet with former President Trump.

The former Fox News host said she and Trump met up over the weekend at Turning Point Action’s West Palm Beach convention “for the first time in years,” and it was “frankly great to see him.”

“All that nonsense between us is… under the bridge,” Kelly said during an episode of “The Megyn Kelly Show” on YouTube. “And he could not have been more magnanimous.”

“He could not have been nicer or more generous,” Kelly said.

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These comments from Kelly may have come as a surprise to many viewers, considering the much-publicized “dust-up” between Trump and Kelly during a Fox News Kelly helped moderate in 2015.

During the debate, Kelly questioned Trump about his past sexist comments toward women.

Trump said Kelly’s remarks were “ridiculous” and “off-base.”

Do you think Megyn Kelly is a good journalist?

Following the event, Trump told then-CNN anchor Don Lemon, “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.”

Trump later clarified the remark on Twitter, writing, “Re Megyn Kelly quote: ‘you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever’ (NOSE). Just got on w/thought.”

But the damage had already been done, and headlines were full of the “feud” between Kelly and the then-contender for the Republican nomination.

On “The Megyn Kelly Show” Monday, Kelly called the mended relationship a “testament to how people can change, people can rebuild relationships, people can move forward in a positive way…”

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She then played a clip from Trump’s speech at the convention where, after he had joked about the “terrible question” she gave him, Trump praised Kelly as “all in” and “great for the country.”

Kelly agreed with him.

“He’s right,” she said. “It’s the country I care about.”

Kelly’s comments reflect the nation’s view of Donald Trump. Although sometimes brash and politically incorrect in his speech, Trump has an aura that captivates millions of Americans.

Trump wears his heart on his sleeve.

And, much like he said about Kelly, the nation sees that Trump is also “all in” for the country.”

It’s why they can look past his controversial remarks and see the man who is willing to take everything that is thrown at him and still keep fighting.

Trump’s ability to connect with his base and energize his supporters is undeniable. He has been able to tap into the frustrations of many Americans who feel left behind by traditional politics and crave a leader willing to challenge the status quo.

His supporters admire his unapologetic approach and see him as someone who genuinely cares about the country’s wellbeing.

The mended relationship between Trump and Kelly symbolizes the possibility of reconciliation and growth.

Although it seems impossible that anyone could possibly unite the nation again, if Megyn Kelly can recognize the strong leader in the 45th president and make her peace with him for the country she cares about, perhaps those on the left who care about this country can, too.

If anyone can make it happen, it’s Donald J. Trump.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
