
Watch: JFK's Grandson Brutalizes RFK Jr. as an 'Embarrassment,' Endorses Biden – Suffers Immediate Backlash


Former President John F. Kennedy’s grandson has unleashed a series of attacks against his relative, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, on Instagram, but not without facing backlash himself.

Jack Schlossberg, son of U.S. Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy, attacked RFK Jr., saying his campaign was an “embarrassment,” and proceeded to endorse President Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential campaign, as reported by Fox News.

“President John F. Kennedy is my grandfather. And his legacy is important,” Schlossberg began. “It’s about a lot more than Camelot and conspiracy theories. It’s about public service and courage.”


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Schlossberg added that Biden “shares his grandfather’s vision for America,” and is the “greatest progressive president we’ve ever had.”

“It’s about civil rights, the Cuban Missile Crisis and landing a man on the moon. Joe Biden shares my grandfather’s vision for America, that we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. And he is in the middle of becoming the greatest progressive president we’ve ever had,” he continued.

Schlossberg also touted all of Biden’s “accomplishments” so far as president.

“Under Biden, we’ve added 13 million jobs. Unemployment is at its lowest in 60 years,” he began.

Do you agree with Schlossberg that RFK Jr. is a conspiracy theorist?

“Biden passed the largest investment in infrastructure since the New Deal, and the largest investment in green energy ever,” he added.

“He’s appointed more federal judges than any president since my grandfather. He ended our longest war. He ended the COVID pandemic, and he ended Donald Trump,” he continued.

“And if my cousin Bobby Kennedy Jr. cared about any of them, he would support Joe Biden too,” Schlossberg said. “Instead, he’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame.”

Schlossberg continued to bash his cousin, saying he has “no idea” why anyone would even consider voting for him.

“I’ve listened to him,” Schlossberg said. “I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president.”

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“What I do know is his candidacy is an embarrassment. Let’s not be distracted again, by somebody’s vanity project,” Schlossberg said of his cousin.

“I am excited to vote for Joe Biden in my state’s primary and again in the general election, and I hope you will too,” he added.

This is not the first time RFK Jr. has had to deal with backlash from his own family.

The Democratic presidential candidate was recently attacked by his sister Kerry Kennedy, who called his “ethnically targeted” remarks regarding COVID-19, “deplorable and untruthful.”

Rory Kennedy, RFK Jr.’s other sister, sent an email to The Guardian, denouncing her brother’s remarks.

“My feelings about my brother Bobby’s recent statement regarding Covid and ethnic targeting are very much aligned with my brother Joe, sister Kerry, and nephew Joe III — all of whom I admire for speaking out against him. There is a great deal of hate in the world and remarks like Bobby’s only serve to fuel that hate,” Rory said.

RFK Jr.’s brother Joseph Kennedy II echoed Kerry Kennedy’s comments, telling the Boston Globe: “Bobby’s comments are morally and factually wrong. They play on antisemitic myths and stroke mistrust of the Chinese. His remarks in no way reflect the words and actions of our father, Robert F. Kennedy.”

Former Massachusetts Rep. Joseph Kennedy III, also attacked the Democratic presidential candidate’s COVID comments, writing on Twitter, “My uncle’s comments were hurtful and wrong. I unequivocally condemn what he said.”

In June, a Rasmussen Reports survey found that 49 percent of Americans have a favorable view towards RFK Jr., and that 35 percent of Democrats feel he might have what it takes to win the Democratic presidential nomination in 2024.

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