
After Ignoring 7th Grandchild for Years, Biden Does 180 and Now Wants to Meet Her: Report


After years of ignoring the existence of his seventh grandchild, President Joe Biden has finally come out and acknowledged 4-year-old Navy Joan Roberts, the daughter of Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts, who filed a paternity suit against Hunter in 2019.

In his 2021 memoir, as reported by PBS, Hunter said he holds no recollection of his brief relationship with Lunden. However, a DNA test did confirm Hunter as Navy’s father.

“I had no recollection of our encounter,” he wrote. “That’s how little connection I had with anyone. I was a mess, but a mess I’ve taken responsibility for.”

Before finally acknowledging his seventh granddaughter, Joe Biden had to get permission from Hunter, which he eventually did, according to NBC News.

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward,” Biden said in a statement, marking his first-ever mention of Navy, PBS reported.

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“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter,” he added.

“Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy,” he continued.

Despite the president saying he wants what’s “best” for his grandchildren, he did express frustration when Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy asked him a question concerning Navy.

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Doocy had asked Biden whether he had any comment on being a grandfather for the seventh time.

“No. That’s a private matter,” the president responded. “I have no comment. But only you would ask that. You’re a good man. You’re a good man. Classy.”

During Christmas last year, Joe Biden didn’t even represent Navy with a stocking on the White House chimney — marking the second year in a row he snubbed his granddaughter with the display.

First lady Jill Biden had revealed the Christmas decorations on what was then known as Twitter.

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At the time, the New York Post reported, “Hunter and ex-wife Kathleen Buhle’s three daughters Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy were represented — along with Naomi’s new husband Peter Neal, as well as Natalie and Hunter, the two children of the late Beau Biden and his widow Hallie.”

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Biden’s acknowledgement of Navy also comes as the president’s polls sinks underwater.

On Sunday, CBS News released a poll showing the president with an overall approval rating of 40 percent, marking the lowest of his presidency for CBS. Regarding the economy, only 34 percent of respondents approved of the job Biden is doing.

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