
Tesla Owner Sleeps in EV Almost Every Night on 19-Day Road Trip


A Tesla owner is sharing how he slept in his car almost every night on a recent 19-day road trip.

According to Insider, in May, 71-year-old David Craig of southern California took his 2020 Tesla Model S on a 19-day, 8,500-mile road trip and used the EV’s “Camp Mode” to sleep in the vehicle at night.

Craig said that he did this to avoid the stress of having to find and schedule accommodation in a motel, and to avoid having to stay in a potentially dirty or unsafe establishment.

“I always know what I’m getting into when I camp in my Tesla,” Craig said, according to Insider. “Motels are much more risky. I’ve been in some really lousy motels on these road trips in the past.”

Craig simply puts the seat back, grabs a pillow and a blanket, and sleeps. He puts the car in Camp Mode, which regulates the vehicle’s temperature, and allows the owner to stream music, watch television, and turn on the lights, all while using less energy from the battery, according to Insider.

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He said the strategy helped him avoid “range anxiety”, the constant thought of how much farther the car can go before having to pull off and recharge, a significant problem, given that in certain areas EV charging stations are sparse.

Crag’s vehicle has a range of about 405 miles, according to Tesla.

According to Insider, Craig drove from six to 10-and-a-half hours a day, stopping for 20 to 30 minutes every day to charge his car, at lunchtime and before going to sleep. He said he felt safe parking and sleeping at Tesla Supercharging stations because of the constant activity, according to Insider.

One apparent advantage of this was that the charging stations are often located near truck stops, where Craig could shower and do his laundry.

Would you sleep in any car for 19 days?

For many, Craig’s experience is one creative way of addressing the many challenges that EV owners face when taking their cars on long road trips. On the face of it, it sounds like everything went fine.

I do have to say, however, that this does not sound like it would be a pleasant experience for everyone.

For instance, how could someone sleep in a car for more than two weeks and not feel sore at the end of it? Perhaps a younger person could handle it, but Craig is 71 years old.

Craig might be in a physical condition where sleeping in the car does not bother him, but that is not the case for everyone. Most senior citizens probably would not have a fun time sleeping in the car that long.

Also, this may work for a single person, but it would not work with families. Multiple travelers, including children, trying to get comfortable sleeping in a cramped car does not sound like the recipe for a pleasant road trip.

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I understand it might be cheaper, but most families would probably prefer to stay in a hotel.

Also, showering and doing laundry at a truck stop does not sound appealing either. I, for one, do not want to shower or do my laundry surrounded by complete strangers.

This is not a rant against electric vehicles, this does not sound like an experience that would be pleasant in any car. It sounds like this is a specific thing for EVs, however, because of the range anxiety.

I think these trips would be more pleasant if we just took some time to do a bit more planning.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
