
Christian Outlet Goes Full Woke Praising 'Barbie' and Taylor Swift, Slams 'Rich Men North of Richmond'


Editor’s Note: Our readers responded strongly to this story when it originally ran; we’re reposting it here in case you missed it.

The ironically named Christianity Today has yet again proven that the once-revered outlet has dramatically strayed from the mission on which it was founded under the Rev. Billy Graham in 1956.

“Christianity Today has its origin in a deep-felt desire to express historical Christianity to the present generation,” the publication’s first editorial said nearly 67 years ago.

“Neglected, slighted, misrepresented — evangelical Christianity needs a clear voice, to speak with conviction and love, and to state its true position and its relevance to the world crisis,” it said.

“A generation has grown up unaware of the basic truths of the Christian faith taught in the Scriptures and expressed in the creeds of the historic evangelical churches.”

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That was then, this is now.

CT showed how warped it has become in the culture war with its open praise for both the feminist hellscape portrayed in the “Barbie” movie and the unabashed LGBT ally Taylor Swift.

The outlet also made certain to criticize the viral country song “Rich Men North of Richmond” by Oliver Anthony, which garnered more than 10 million views on YouTube within a week of its release.

On Aug. 16, CT published an article by Beth Felker Jones claiming that Barbie and Swift’s recent successes “showcase a deeper desire for community and collective joy.”

“These cultural artifacts draw on the ambiguities of the female experience, celebrating the feminine while honestly addressing the difficulties of being a woman in a male-oriented world,” Jones wrote.

A day later, an article by Hannah Anderson — headlined “Oliver Anthony’s Viral Hit Doesn’t Love Its Neighbors” — attacked the song for being “disdainful towards people on welfare.”

Anderson is either completely disingenuous or wholly illiterate in her criticism of the country hit.

Anthony, who opened a concert that Sunday with a Bible reading — Psalm 37:12-20 — sang about the sad state of the American worker caused by the rampant corruption and overreach of bloated government bureaucrats.

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The song doesn’t judge people who are truly needy. The only reference to welfare in Anthony’s song is to gluttonous people abusing government assistance.

“And the obese milkin’ welfare, well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds, taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds,” Anthony sings in “Rich Men.”

While CT was quick to attack Anthony for having a normal disdain for sinful gluttony and sloth, the same outlet was thrilled to laud “Barbie” and Taylor Swift as positive cultural icons.

Swift came out in support of the abominable, Nancy Pelosi-sponsored LGBT “Equality Act” during her 2019 MTV Video Music Awards speech.

Has Christianity Today lost touch with its readers?

The deceptively named legislation pushed by President Joe Biden was approved by the House of Representatives in February 2021 but didn’t get through the Senate.

The bill not only would pressure businesses to pander to gender identity politics in the name of fighting “discrimination,” but it also would provide for the potential for American parents to lose custody of their children if they attempt to prevent them from obtaining “gender transition” surgeries.

Swift proudly cast as many morally degenerate icons as possible in her 2019 music video “You Need to Calm Down,” including Ellen DeGeneres, RuPaul and trans actor Laverne Cox.

The music video concludes with a statement asking viewers to support the dangerous legislation.

Swift also released the song “Lavender Haze” in October 2022 and proudly cast trans model Laith Ashley as her love interest in the music video.

Jones’ CT article also praised the “Barbie” movie, which stars Margot Robbie, painting in a positive light a film that includes a scene involving a male doctor character cross-dressing as a female Barbie doll.

The movie also has clear anti-male and anti-family themes.

Christianity Today continued to move away from its proud legacy with a piece on Aug. 10 that appeared to justify recent Ohio legislation that would have made it more difficult to outlaw abortion in the state.

Sadly, it seems CT has decayed into a group of cultural Marxists who only use the Bible when they feel a verse can be twisted to support left-leaning virtue signaling or to attack Christians.

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Jared is a conservative, Christian Minnesotan who graduated from the University of Minnesota with political science and history majors with his faith intact.

He has been successfully published by other conservative news outlets like “American Watchmen” and is an aspiring author.

"It is the duty of every man, as far as his ability extends, to detect and expose delusion and error." - Thomas Paine
