
John Fetterman's Wife All-In on Future Democrats Want: 'Pot, Porn, Planned Parenthood'



That is what I felt when I discovered that my fellow Pennsylvanians had elected a stroked-out slob to represent them in the U.S. Senate.

This was not merely a partisan reaction, for I was all too familiar with John Fetterman’s governance.

When I was getting my master’s in theology at a conservative Reformed seminary in Pittsburgh, I lived just walking distance from Fetterman’s domain as mayor, a far rougher neighborhood called Braddock.

The reason I decided not to walk my family to church in Braddock, and instead commute 45 minutes by car, was that it was not going to be the church service that would get my family to heaven, but likely the walk itself (if you catch my drift).

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So when I saw that Fetterman’s wife was advocating for the “three P’s,” I wasn’t the least bit surprised.

Gisele Barreto Fetterman was responding to Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who joked on Wednesday that Democrats are running on the platform of “pot, porn and Planned Parenthood.”

Now, I do want to preface this by saying that, having a libertarian streak, I take a similar position to Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy on cannabis, only because I believe there are those who use it as a real alternative to opioids (which destroyed my hometown), SSRIs and other dangerous pharmaceuticals.

But I recognize that there is a big difference between someone using cannabis to treat Lyme disease, on the one hand, and a pothead stoner on the other. We all know what I am talking about.

We’ve all seen or met that guy in a hoody, dead-eyed and with a seeming inability to speak coherent English. You know, like John Fetterman!

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As for the two other “P’s,” namely, pornography and Planned Parenthood, I tend to be so pro-life I can’t even consider preventing pregnancy in the first place, let alone terminating it, and pornography is a spiritual torment.

So, when people promote drugs, porn and abortion, we have to recognize that they are painting us a picture of what the world would look like if they had their way.

This vision is that of the New Left from the 1960s, which embraced hedonism and sexual “liberation” as a way to destabilize Christian society.

“The New Left said society must be re-made to help people realize their authentic selves. Narcissistic self-fulfillment was recast as a revolutionary act against an unjust system. Pursuing your desires became the highest — the only — moral good,” as the Daily Caller put it.

What kind of a picture is this, then?

It’s a picture of a post-Christian and post-familial society, where meaning is completely gone and all that people have left is the next dopamine hit.

Here’s Yuval Harari, a leading contributor to the globalist transhumanism movement, on how these “meaningless, worthless” people will occupy their time:

“The biggest question in … economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people. … My best guess at present is a combination of drugs and computer games.”

Now, is this all to say that pleasure is somehow bad? Absolutely not, for God created pleasure that we might glorify him and make use of it for our benefit.

He gives plants for wine to make the heart glad (Psalm 104:14-15), and this gift can help us in times of special suffering (Proverbs 31:6-7). We are likewise to rejoice in our spouse sexually that we might be satisfied and not tempted by the devil (Proverbs 5:15-20, 1 Corinthians 7:2-5).

We are given all of these things in the context of enjoying the fruit of our own labor and the blessing of our children in gratitude to Almighty God (Psalm 128:2-4).

Stoners don’t make good providers because they don’t know how to use in moderation. Those who are addicted to pornography are less likely to pursue meaningful relationships in the first place, and Planned Parenthood will put an end to the natural fruit of meaningful relationships anyway.

What Gisele Fetterman wants for America is what her husband perpetuated in Braddock, a town of deadbeat ghetto rats with no responsibility seeking their next fix regardless of whom they hurt in the process.

In essence, she (and the Democratic Party) wants a world that is antithetical to our thriving.

So unless you want your city to look more like Braddock, I suggest we reject the three P’s and the future the Democrats want for us.

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