
Ex-CIA Agent Who Said Hunter Laptop Was Russian Disinformation Failed to Disclose Significant Big Tech Role


A former CIA agent who was a signatory to the now-infamous October 2020 open letter dismissing The New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop emails as Russian disinformation was found to have worked at Twitter until last year, all while keeping her affiliation hidden from Congress.

The explosive details came to light in the newly discovered “Twitter Files” on Wednesday.

Nada Bakos, who held a position as a Twitter policy enforcement official, was among the 51 former intelligence agents who falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation in their October 2020 letter, the New York Post reported.

Bakos, it turns out, had alerted her senior policy team at Twitter about her appearance on the New York Post’s March 2022 cover featuring the “spies who lie” who publicly cast doubt on the laptop’s authenticity, independent journalist Texas Lindsay revealed in her Twitter Files reporting.

What makes this revelation even more intriguing is that Bakos, along with her Twitter colleagues, took steps to conceal this information.

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She made her Twitter account private and “locked down” her LinkedIn profile “in hopes of hiding the fact that she worked at Twitter,” Lindsay reported.

In an email to her colleagues, Bakos acknowledged the situation, stating, “I wanted to make you aware of the NYPost cover that I was ‘featured’ on related to the Oct 2020 story about Hunter Biden’s emails when he was on the Board of the Ukrainian Gas company, Burisma.”

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She went on to mention Twitter’s ban of The New York Post at that time and emphasized that she had not publicly acknowledged her affiliation with Twitter, now X.

She also asked her colleagues for “suggestions or anything” she needed to do, adding, “I have no plans to respond/make a statement or acknowledge the piece.”

Lindsay, in her comprehensive Twitter Files investigation, questioned the actions of these former CIA agents — “Did these former CIA agents plot their own stateside coup?”

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She noted that the controversial letter, published by Politico, was co-authored by former Obama administration CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell, Bakos’s former superior, and that Bakos signed it while working at Twitter, raising concerns about potential bias.

Her career path has been varied, including “PR work for Starbucks, private consulting and nearly four years as an adviser and fellow at the Philadelphia-based Foreign Policy Research Institute, which still lists her on its website as a senior fellow though her online resume says she left in January 2020,” according to the Post.

It’s worth noting that both Bakos and Morell have been publicly critical of former President Donald Trump, his policies, and his criticisms of their agency, according to Lindsay.

Lindsay noted that Bakos’ Twitter “archives show a critical view of Trump,” adding that she seemed to have “very positive view of Biden/Democrats.”

The independent journalist also pointed out that neither of them has shown remorse for their involvement in the controversial letter regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, which some argue had a significant impact on the 2020 election.

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