
Thousands of Emperor Penguins Killed in an Instant by Powerful Ocean Event


A sad incident in Antarctica has given the left another opportunity to push one of its favorite narratives.

According to Yahoo News, a series of satellite images from late 2022 showed that a chunk of Antarctic ice had collapsed under a colony of emperor penguins.

Unfortunately, the penguin chicks had not yet grown their waterproof feathers, and it is believed that thousands died.

According to Yahoo, melting ice had forced the penguins to relocate before, but this time they had nowhere to go and were swallowed by the ocean.

To make matters worse, some researchers are suggesting that no chicks survived in any of the penguin colonies in the area.

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Yahoo also stated that research on rising sea levels and ice loss in Antarctica supports the prediction that emperor penguins may be extinct before the end of the century — or even within the next 30 years.

In the wake of the sad discovery, Yahoo pointed to the usual suspect — climate change.

“As the planet warms due to the burning of fossil fuels, long-term declines in sea ice are expected,” the outlet reported.

Dr. Jeremy Wilkinson, a sea ice physicist with the British Antarctic Survey, said, “It is another warning sign for humanity that we cannot continue down this path, politicians must act to minimise the impact of climate change. There is no time left.”

Do you think climate change is a major threat?

Certainly, we should be making an effort to preserve nature and protect endangered species such as emperor penguins.

After all, when God created Adam, he gave him dominion over the animals and the natural world. That lordship came with the responsibility to care for God’s creation.

At the same time, warnings like Wilkinson’s smack of alarmism.

For years, liberals have been claiming that we are running out of time to save the planet and that we only have a few more years to act before everything is lost. When their end-times prophecies inevitably don’t come true, they start over.

Any natural disaster, tragedy or mild inconvenience is used to push climate hysteria and demand more government control over our everyday lives.

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In this case, the problem could very well be that the penguins simply boxed themselves in and had nowhere to go.

But, of course, for the left, it is always easier to blame the people driving gas-powered cars and heating their homes in the winter.

This incident is sad, but it is no reason to sound any alarms.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
