
Video: Woman Makes Worst Mistake of Her Life, Tries to Grab Cop's Gun, Instantly Learns How Brick Sidewalk Feels


A shocking video of an altercation between police and partygoers is making the rounds on social media, but there is more to the clip than initially meets the eye.

According to WJAR-TV, wedding party member David Onik was denied entry to a Newport, Rhode Island, bar early Sunday morning and proceeded to assault a staff member.

A massive melee ensued between the police and several wedding guests.

The video of the incident shows a woman in an orange dress, identified by WJAR as Alexandra Flaherty, kicking one of the cops in the crotch, which naturally resulted in the officer jumping to defend himself.

Moments later, a different tussle ended with a police officer throwing another woman to the ground, knocking her out cold. WJAR identified the woman as David Onik’s wife, Rachel Onik.

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WARNING: The following video contains language that some viewers will find offensive.

Cue the predictable cries of police brutality. But there is another video from a different angle that tells the full story.

In surveillance footage, Rachel Onik appears to be reaching for the officer’s gun. The officer, understandably terrified at the prospect of a hostile and probably drunk woman having his gun, socks her.

Police confirmed that Rachel Onik had tried to grab the officer’s firearm.

Honestly, what did she think was going to happen? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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According to NECN, Rachel Onik has been charged with two counts of simple assault, one count of resisting arrest, one count of obstructing an officer and one count of disorderly conduct.

Five of the other combatants, including David Onik and Flaherty, were also charged.

Beyond that, it needs to be pointed out that this is what happens when a free people decides to desert virtue and responsibility and instead embrace all forms of vice.

These people could have had a lovely evening celebrating a wedding, but instead, they chose to ruin the evening for themselves and everyone else by completely losing control.

As they were likely inebriated, they had made themselves slaves to their desires. What happened next was a consequence of their poor decision-making and their total lack of respect for law and order.

If we are to remain a society of order and liberty, we need to learn discipline — especially how to control our desires.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
