
Biden Finally Personally Addresses Impeachment Inquiry - He Didn't Help His Case


President Joe Biden has finally responded to the impeachment inquiry that Republicans are launching against him, and his answer was less than convincing.

On Tuesday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that House Republicans would be opening a formal impeachment inquiry against the president, citing a “culture of corruption” in the Biden family.

Biden did not address the situation Tuesday, but at a campaign fundraiser in McLean, Virginia on Wednesday, he made his thoughts on the looming situation known.

According to The Hill, however, instead of addressing the specific allegations being leveled against him, the president played dumb, claiming not to know why House Republicans were pursuing the inquiry.

“Well, I tell you what, I don’t know quite why, but they just knew they wanted to impeach me,” Biden said.

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He went on to claim that Republicans were attempting impeachment as part of their strategy in the ongoing battle over the federal budget.

“Now, best I can tell they want to impeach me because they want to shut down the government,” the president said, according to The Hill.

In essence, Biden told donors there is no basis for this inquiry and it’s just a politically motivated stunt to try to embarrass him.

Of course, no one who has been paying attention is going to buy this explanation. The Republicans may be motivated by politics, but the basis for their allegations against the president is clear, and Biden knows exactly what this is about.

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This is about his alleged involvement in son Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings, a story that has been haunting the Biden family since even before Joe Biden became president.

The New York Post first reported on the scandal three years ago, citing explosive details obtained from a laptop the president’s son had abandoned at a Delaware repair shop.

Hunter Biden is facing a criminal investigation, and evidence is continuing to mount that despite the president’s repeated denials, he knew about and was involved in some of his son’s activities.

The integrity of the first family is being brought into question here, and the American people deserve to know if the president was engaged in corruption.

To just dismiss this inquiry is a foolish and out-of-touch move for Biden.

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What makes this statement all the more laughable is that the president then claimed his full attention was on solving the problems facing the nation.

“I get up every day not focused on impeachment. I’ve got a job to do. I’ve got to deal with issues that affect the American people every single solitary day,” he said, according to The Hill.

Biden claims to be addressing the problems facing the American people when he has been doing an absolutely catastrophic job of dealing with them his entire term.

Since he took office, he has failed to tackle inflation, the crime epidemic, illegal immigration or the very serious threat of war with Russia and China.

If Joe Biden wants the American people to have more faith in himself and in his family, he should be transparent and address the concerns the public has about him.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
