
Jen Psaki Suggests Sympathy is in Order for 'Heartbroken' Joe Amid Hunter's Legal Woes


Jen Psaki feels sorry for Joe Biden as his son’s legal woes continue to mount.

According to The Hill, the former White House press secretary on Friday expressed her sympathy for the Biden family during a panel discussion on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

For years now, Hunter Biden has faced scrutiny from Republicans and from legal authorities over his notorious drug use and questionable business dealings. Just last week, he was indicted for allegedly lying about drug use when purchasing a firearm.

Now, Pskai does not appear to want Americans to demand justice. She just wants them to feel sorry for the president and his family.

“I mean, first and foremost, the politics of this are a little hard to predict, but right now you have the president’s son, somebody he loves deeply, somebody who has very publicly struggled with drug addiction, now facing these charges,” Psaki said, according to The Hill.

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Psaki also suggested that the president was “heartbroken” over these charges.

“My bet is right now, this is a heartbroken president, in the White House, who is worried about his son, and we’re all watching to see kind of what happens with this.”

Just by listening to Psaki’s words, you can almost hear the world’s smallest violin playing in the background.

Do you feel sorry for Joe Biden?

Psaki did not express any sympathy for Donald Trump or his family when he was served up with four different, and much more serious, indictments. No, only the Biden family gets sympathy.

There really is no reason for any American to have sympathy with the Biden family right now.

Hunter Biden has not been convicted of anything yet, but if these or any of the accusations against him are proven to be true, it’s something he brought upon himself.

He was not forced to lie about his drug use on a firearms application, nor did anybody force him to engage in questionable business practices with shady foreign companies.

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No one forced Joe Biden to take phone calls from Hunter while he met with business partners or to even meet with some of Hunter’s business partners himself while serving as vice president of the United States.

And, certainly, no one forced the man who is now president to take on the role of the “big guy,” in line for a 10 percent cut of a Hunter Biden business with Chinese associates linked to the communist government in Beijing.

Not to mention, given the plethora of serious accusations against Hunter Biden, the firearms charge is on the low end of what he’s apparently been up to all these years.

It seems more as if this indictment is an attempt to placate conservatives and give the Department of Justice some veneer of impartiality in the midst of the Trump indictments.

Long story short, there is no reason to feel sorry for the Bidens right now — no matter what Jen Psaki says.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
