
Lost Hiker Notices Strange Device in Middle of Alaskan Wilderness, Brilliant Next Move Ends with His Rescue


A lost hiker’s quick thinking saved his life after he discovered a strange object in the Alaskan wilderness.

According to NPR, on Sept. 5, a man was hiking on Dumpling Mountain in Alaska’s Katmai National Park when the weather suddenly turned foul and the hiker found himself lost.

The hiker wandered aimlessly looking for a way out, but the wind and rain meant that his journey down the mountain was going to be very difficult and dangerous.

Then, as he was walking, he noticed an object that seemingly did not belong in a remote part of Alaska. The hiker decided to investigate and found that it was a nature camera.

The hiker thought quickly and mouthed the words “help me” into the camera signaling his distress. Turns out, the camera had been set up by nature enthusiasts at, who had logged into the camera hoping to catch a glimpse of Alaska’s famous brown bears.

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Instead of bears, however, the viewers encountered a hiker in distress.

After seeing the hiker, the viewers wasted no time in alerting rangers at Katmai that there was a lost hiker on the mountain, and within three hours, the rangers found the hiker and rescued him.

Do you enjoy hiking?

First, it goes without saying that you have to give a massive shoutout to everyone who was involved in this situation, as they all handled it exactly as you should.

The hiker showed clarity of judgment in a terrifying situation by recognizing the camera and knowing instantly what he had to do in order to get himself out of the situation.

The viewers deserve praise for promptly notifying the proper authorities and the rangers deserve praise for quickly and professionally rescuing the man from the mountain.

In short, this was a model rescue operation and a happy end to a terrifying tale.

However, this story should also serve as a cautionary tale for others and a reminder that even everyday things can turn dangerous due to unpredictable and uncontrollable factors.

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Something as harmless as a hike can quickly become dangerous if the weather suddenly turns bad and you are in a treacherous area such as a mountain that you are not familiar with.

When engaging in an activity like hiking, it is always a good idea to take precautions and think about what to do in a situation such as this one in Alaska.

Once you do that, it becomes easier to handle situations such as this, and it becomes easier to avoid them altogether.

When you find yourself in a sticky situation like this, just remember how this hiker acted and behave in a similar manner.

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Peter Partoll is a commentary writer for the Western Journal and a Research Assistant for the Catholic Herald. He earned his bachelor's degree at Hillsdale College and recently finished up his masters degree at Royal Holloway University of London. You can follow him on Twitter at @p_partoll.
