
Controversial Church Funds Transporting Kids For Puberty Blockers, 'Sex-Change' Mutilations


A Texas group that identifies itself as a church is actively working to transport children out of state to give them access to puberty blockers and “sex-change” mutilations.

Texas Scorecard reported that the Galileo Church in Fort Worth has set up an initiative known as the North Texas TRANSsportation Network (NTTN) to provide children from 19 different counties who identify as “transgender” or “gender-diverse” with a $1,000 travel voucher to seek treatment outside their home state.

The church’s website identifies it as part of the denomination called Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and its Facebook page describes it as a “quirky, LGBTQ-friendly church seeking spiritual refugees in Fort Worth, Texas, and beyond.”

“Galileo Church has, as its first missional priority, to ‘do justice for LGBTQ+ people and support the people who love them,'” the NTTN part of the church’s website reads.

NTTN was reportedly set up in response to Senate Bill 14, legislation signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott back in June that prohibits the carrying out of any “sex-change” operations on minors.

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“However, because the law does not define child gender mutilation as child abuse, Galileo Church’s program does not explicitly violate the law,” Texas Scorecard explained.

“By road or air — either way, it’s expensive to get out of Texas,” NTTN’s website reads. “Health care is a human right, and withholding necessary care for trans kids is state-sponsored cruelty. As neighbors to one another, we seek ways to help each other’s families flourish.”

The program has received praise from LGBT sites including PinkNews and LGBTQ+ Nation, the latter of which published the story under its “Good News” section.

But not everyone agrees that the formation of such a program constitutes “good news.

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A number of Christians on social media responded with concern, not just regarding the transportation program, but to its sponsor calling itself a “church.”

“It is hard to process that a Church would immerse itself into something like this,” one commenter on X, formerly Twitter, observed. “This is an amazing display of human stupidity, moral decay and the societal collapse of America.”

“They are of the apostate church, either backslidden or never saved,” another responded. “They are a fake church. They are not a part of the Body of Christ. Jesus will spew them out of his mouth. He will say, ‘Depart from me. I never knew you!’ They are NOT Christians. They are led by Jezebel.”

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More than a dozen Republican states have passed bans on transgender surgery over the past few years as conservatives seek to stem the explosion of child sex mutilation across the United States. Polls on the subject have repeatedly found that a majority of Americans support such measures.

In July, 19-year-old detransitioner Chloe Cole testified before Congress about the risks of transitioning minors such as herself, outlining the “lifelong, irreversible harm” that her sex change operation has caused.

“We need to stop telling children that puberty is an option, that they can choose what kind of puberty they will go through, just like they can choose what clothes to wear or what music to listen to,” Cole said at the time. “Puberty is a rite of passage to adulthood, not a disease to be mitigated.”

In an analysis released last year, Reuters found that the number of minors identifying as transgender has tripled since 2017.


A Note from our Deputy Managing Editor:

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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