
Soccer Phenom Cristiano Ronaldo May Face Iranian Adultery Charges After Photo with Painter


Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly could be facing adultery charges after hugging a female in Iran last month.

Painter Fatima Hamami presented Ronaldo with ultra-realistic paintings of the athlete as he met with fans before a game, TMZ reported.

He was in the country for Al-Nassr’s Asian Champions League game on Sept. 19.

The 38-year-old gave the artist a quick kiss on her forehead and a hug while being presented with the gifts.

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TMZ said Iranian outlets were reporting the meeting was considered adultery, as it is considered illegal to touch another female while in a relationship.

Rumors also swirled online that the star was sentenced to “99 lashes” due to the incident.

Before Hamami was able to meet Ronaldo, she posted an image of the painting to her Instagram on Sept. 14 and wrote, “Ronaldo is in Iran!

Will Iran follow through with the charges?

“God I ask you to please make my wish come true. To see Ronaldo and give him my painting of him. Oh please god make a way for it to happen.”

Hamami is disabled and paints the realistic images with her feet.

The U.K.’s Daily Mail reported that the Iranian Embassy in Spain had denied the alleged report of Ronaldo being charged.

“We strongly deny the issuance of any court ruling against any international athlete in Iran,” it read.

“It is a matter of concern that the publication of such unfounded news could overshadow crimes against humanity and war crimes against the oppressed Palestinian nation.

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“His sincere and humane meeting with Fatemeh Hamami was also praised and admired by both the people and the country’s sports authorities,” the statement said.

Hamami released a statement regarding the rumors on her Instagram Saturday.

“Unfortunately for a while people have been creating a lot of sidelines for no reason why Cristiano Ronaldo hugged me and are seeking complaints about this,” she stated in a translated version.

“I have to inform you that I and my family have no complaints or complaints about this.

She added the star embraced her “with a sense of humanity, sincerity and tolerance, and this is the sign of his kindness, honor and humanity.”



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