
Reporter Openly Mocks Dem Congressman Dodging Questions on the Border: 'Nice Fake Phone'


A reporter tried to confront Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona on Wednesday in Washington regarding the ongoing border crisis.

While being questioned, Gallego appeared to take a fake phone call.

Ben Bergquam, host of “Law & Border” on Real America’s Voice News, posted the roughly 30-second exchange to the social media platform X.

“Confronting Cartel Congressman Ruben Gallego in Washington DC,” Bergquam said in the post. “Every open borders democrat needs to be asked this question ‘are you paid off by the cartels or are you selling out America for free?'”

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As soon as the congressman heard his name called, he placed his phone as though he was in the middle of a conversation.

“Nice fake phone,” Bergquam quipped as he proceeded to question Gallego.

“Are you paid off by the cartel or are you selling out America for free?” he asked as the congressman ignored the question and continued to walk away.

Should Gallego be removed from office?

“Sir, are you paid off by the cartels? How much are they paying you, sir? How many terrorists is OK to come through that southern border that you are allowing?” Bergquam said.

“The fake phone, that’s the best. The fake phone call,” he said as the congressman walked on.

The September report from U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealed the month had a record high of 269,735 border encounters.

Bergquam also asked Gallego how afraid he is of GOP firebrand Kari Lake.

The Democrat is running for the Senate seat held by independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. Lake, who lost her bid for Arizona governor last year, is one of several GOP candidates in the race.

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She and Gallego had an exchange this month as they just so happened to be on the same airplane while going back to Arizona.

Lake called out the congressman for the nation’s border and fentanyl crisis.

“Unfortunately, our border is wide open. You and Kyrsten [Sinema] have had a lot of time to do something about it, and even the Democrats are upset about it, Ruben,” she told Gallego.

A recent poll showed the Democrat leading Lake and Sinema in a hypothetical three-way race.

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