
Charles III Spotted Wearing Woke Symbol Alongside Remembrance Poppy: 'The King Has Made an Absolutely Terrible Mistake'


A tragic moment in Britain’s past has collided with the woke madness of the contemporary West. They have come together in the person of King Charles III.

Thursday on the British news channel GBN, broadcaster and former politician Nigel Farage blasted the king for sporting a Black Poppy Rose lapel pin Wednesday alongside the traditional red poppy worn to commemorate Armistice Day.

“Perhaps some won’t even notice it,” Farage said of the Black Poppy Rose. “But if they do, then the king has made an absolutely terrible mistake.”

At 11 a.m. each Nov. 11, Britons mark the precise moment in 1918 when an armistice brought the fighting on the Western Front of World War I to an end.

According to the Royal British Legion, the red poppy constitutes a “symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future.”

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On the battlefields in France, “the bright red Flanders poppies” stood out as “a notable and striking exception to the bleakness” of a landscape left desolate by the most pointless war in recent memory.

The red poppy, therefore, conjures images of rare beauty amid hellish darkness. More importantly, it represents a tangible artifact of the otherwise ghastly World War I experience. No one can see it without thinking of what the soldiers saw.

The Black Poppy Rose, on the other hand, embodies the concentrated essence of wokeness, which defines everyone by skin color or other irrelevant traits.

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“Today King Charles III wore a @Blackpoppyrose to honour the legacy of the contributions made by the African, Black, West Indian, Pacific Islands, and Indigenous Nation to Global Wars, inclusive of World War I and II during Remembrance Month,” Black Poppy Rose wrote Wednesday on X.

Established in 2010 by Selena Carty, the Black Poppy Rose aims at “enlightening people of ALL nations, of the African/Black/West Indian/Caribbean/Pacific Islands & Indigenous communities contribution to history.”

Farage, who once led the Brexit Party, argued that the Black Poppy Rose has no place in a British commemoration, nor does it advance admirable goals.

“Well, on the face of it, it’s to honor black servicemen that were killed serving in the wars, who some people believe are underrepresented,” he said.

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“But it also represents black people who fought against the British in a variety of wars. And it also represents a demand for reparations,” Farage said.

He noted, most importantly of all, that the red poppy already includes those whom the Black Poppy Rose keeps separate.

“The whole point of wearing the poppy, the whole point of the cenotaph [an empty tomb that symbolizes all war dead], is that it’s not about class, or race, or rank or what medals you won,” Farage said.

“It treats everybody absolutely the same, and that’s the way that it simply has to stay,” he said.

Some social media users had a similar reaction to the king’s Black Poppy Rose.

“The red poppy already represented all of you, filthy grifter,” one X user tweeted.

“The red poppy is for everyone, so this one seems racist,” another user posted.

We need not imagine how black veterans from the early 20th century would have felt about segregated observances. After all, they experienced them. That fact never seems to occur to modern social justice warriors.

Or, more ominously, perhaps it does occur to them. Perhaps they prefer segregation. In fact, nothing in their behavior suggests they have any interest in real equality.

Thus, the king committed a serious error. But Farage did not necessarily blame the monarch.

Charles’ advisers, on the other hand, “should be sacked from Buckingham Palace,” Farage thundered.

Indeed, World War I gave us many unfortunate things. The Black Poppy Rose on the king’s lapel amounts to one more of them.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
