
Blue State Hastily Follows California's Lead in Banning Gas-Powered Cars


New Jersey is planning to follow California’s lead in banning gas-powered vehicles.

The Democrat-controlled state will ban the sale of gas vehicles beginning in 2035 as part of an effort to reduce air pollution, Gov. Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) said in a release this week.

“New Jersey joins a growing number of states that are requiring vehicle manufacturers to make zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) an increasing percentage of their new light-duty vehicle sales beginning in model year 2027, ramping up to 100% ZEVs by 2035,” the release states.

“The rule does not impose obligations on consumers or car dealers and provides compliance flexibilities for manufacturers,” it continues. “It requires manufacturers of passenger cars and light-duty trucks to meet an annual ZEV requirement intended to increase the percentage of electric vehicles sold in New Jersey.”

The release added: “The rule also ensures that traditional gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles are manufactured to meet more stringent exhaust emission standards, which will positively impact air quality in New Jersey communities, especially those near high-traffic corridors.”

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The changes will gradually be implemented from 2027, which they claim will “provide time for auto industry transition and continued development of charging infrastructure.”

“By filing the landmark Advanced Clean Cars II rule, New Jersey builds upon its standing as a national leader in climate action and its participation in the global Accelerating to Zero commitment,” said Murphy.

“The steps we take today to lower emissions will improve air quality and mitigate climate impacts for generations to come, all while increasing access to cleaner car choices,” he added.

Murphy also claimed that “together with my Administration’s continuing investments in voluntary electric vehicle incentives, charging infrastructure, and the green economy, these new standards will preserve consumer choice and promote affordability for hardworking New Jerseyans across the state.”

Do you agree that gas-powered cars should be banned?

DEP Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette also weighed in on the announcement, claiming it will help reduce the impact of pollution and so-called global warming.

“Cleaner cars and trucks mean cleaner air for our children and families, because the tailpipes of our own vehicles are a leading cause of poor local air quality,” he explained.

“As New Jersey transitions to a zero-emission vehicle future, we will improve our quality of life and public health.”

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“At the same time, we will reduce climate pollutants from the transportation sector, the greatest source of planet-warming pollution in New Jersey and the nation.”

New Jersey joins a growing list of states that have taken similar measures, joining the ranks of California, Vermont, New York, Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, Virginia, Rhode Island, Maryland, and Connecticut in attempting to phase out gas-powered vehicles.

Multiple studies have shown that electric vehicles are not only incredibly costly to run but also increase the amount of pollution released into the wider atmosphere.

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