
Robert De Niro Rages After Realizing Anti-Trump Rant Was Taken Out of His Speech


The Aging Bull is at it again.

The once-respected actor Robert De Niro can’t seem to get near a microphone these days without launching into histrionics aimed at former President Donald Trump. Monday was no exception, when 80-year-old De Niro went off topic while presenting a speech at the Gotham Awards in New York City, an event that is supposed to celebrate independent film.

While he was speaking, according to the U.K. Independent, an irate De Niro claimed the speech he was reading from the teleprompter had been edited without his knowledge. Unfortunately for viewers of the spectacle, De Niro had a backup of his intended comments on his phone.

If De Niro’s remarks were indeed censored, someone might have been trying to save the old man from embarrassment.

Reading his prepared text, De Niro awkwardly served up a boilerplate of smears, distortions and non sequiturs against Donald Trump, legendary actor John Wayne, and Florida, for some reason.

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The regrettable performance was shared on social media.

De Niro started off talking about the dangers facing truth, history and facts into today’s culture.

Does De Niro have Trump derangement syndrome?

However, he does not mention leftists are the ones driving deceptive propaganda. Naturally, the audience ate it up.

“The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four … years in office, and he’s keeping up the pace with his current campaign of retribution. With all of his lies, he can’t hide his soul. He attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature and shows his disrespect, for example, using ‘Pocahontas’ as a slur,” De Niro said.

The “Pocahontas” reference, of course, was Trump’s mockery of Massachussetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s lies about her Native American heritage, not an attack on the historical figure. But De Niro can’t admit that point.

At one point in the speech, he said Apple — the distribution company behind De Niro’s new moving “The Killers of the Flower Moon” — was responsible for editing the diatribe out of his speech.

“How dare they do that, actually?” he said.

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The arrogance was completely in character, for De Niro and the rest of the Hollywood left.

Celebrities and actors manifest some of the worst Trump derangement syndrome symptoms. It’s like a status symbol for them, a form of currency in the bubble they exist in.

That’s why the entertainment set feels the need to air their obnoxious opinions on Trump, wherever they are and whatever they are doing, no matter how inappropriate it is.

De Niro didn’t need to make much sense or be persuasive, because he was addressing an echo chamber.

Still, the attacks reek of desperation. De Niro needs to keep working in Trump-hating Hollywood, so he pandered.

The two-time Academy Award winner must have big bills to pay, such as the almost-$1.3 million his production company owes to a former employee. De Niro’s former assistant. Graham Chase Robinson, 41, won a court case after she accused the actor of workplace abuse and sexually inappropriate behavior, as reported by CNN.

But outside the privileged bubble, where Americans are suffering under the economic destruction of the Biden administration, the whole “orange man bad” thing is worn out.

The country was much better, stronger, and safer under Trump than the current dodderer-in-chief, and the American people know it. We do not want to hear De Niro’s empty attacks.

We can finally answer the famous question De Niro’s “Taxi Driver” character asked:

Yes, we are talking to you.

And you do not know what you are talking about.

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Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at
