
Musk Scares Liberals Off of X Once Again: 'I Won't Be Posting Here Anymore'


An apparent act of trolling by tech CEO Elon Musk saw scores of liberals threaten to permanently abandon his social media platform on Tuesday.

The Washington Post also paused its advertising on X (formerly Twitter) citing Musk’s decision to share a meme about the Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

In a pair of since-deleted memes, Musk shared one image of disgraced former ABC News reporter James Gordon Meek, who pleaded guilty to child porn charges earlier this year.

The other meme shared by the billionaire took aim at social media’s existing fact-checking apparatus — one that until he took over Twitter saw members of the mainstream media hold the keys to most information.

The Pizzagate meme used a format from the popular sitcom “The Office” and implied that the theory that a Washington pizzeria was once a lair for child predators had only been debunked by an industry that employed an actual child predator.

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Screenshots of the memes were taken and shared on X:

Prior to sharing the memes, Musk posted the following cryptic tweet:

Should Elon Musk be more careful with his X posts?

Far-left former MSNBC anchor and podcaster Keith Olbermann railed against Musk in a series of posts in which he declared, “I won’t be posting here anymore.”

WARNING: The following posts contain vulgar language that might offend some readers.

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Olbermann labeled Musk an anti-Semite just hours after the Tesla CEO returned to the U.S. from a trip to Israel where he showed support for embattled Jews facing continued threats of violence from Hamas and other terror groups in the region.

Other leftist also vowed to follow the former ESPN personality out the door.

WARNING: The following posts contain vulgar language that might offend some readers.

The Washington Post said it would pause its advertising on the platform, but the outlet’s account was still active on X as of Wednesday morning.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


What if you woke up one morning and half of the people you count on had just vanished overnight?


That happened to me recently. I got up, came to work here at The Western Journal, and when I got to my office, literally half of our readers had vanished. They were just gone. We had been nuked by Facebook, and it had happened almost instantly.


But it was even worse. Facebook hit us at the same time 90 percent of advertisers had essentially boycotted us. "Brutal" is a word I’ve used a lot lately.


The fight for the truth is brutal. The fight for America’s soul is brutal. What the government is doing to Jan. 6 detainees is brutal. What surgeons are doing to confused children is brutal.


It’s a fight we must win. But we can’t win without you.


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Can I count on you to join today? We need your help. Benjamin Franklin summed up the situation we're all facing when he said, “We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”


We plan to hang in and fight. Please help us. Please become a member today.



Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
