
UFC Star Colby Covington Goes Off on LeBron James, Tells NBA Star 'Come Deal with Me'


UFC star Colby Covington has not held back in his criticism of NBA legend LeBron James.

Covington went off on the basketball star during a news conference to discuss his bout with Leon Edwards at UFC 296 in Las Vegas on Saturday night.

James was criticized this week after he arrived for his son’s basketball game and took a seat during the national anthem.

“If you hate America so much and you don’t like this country that gave you a billion dollars, leave it or come deal with me,” Covington declared.

The MMA fighter also took aim at LeBron over his repeated refusal to condemn China’s ruling regime in order to maintain his financial relationship with the communist country.

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“You go to China, go to these sweatshops that you employ all these laborers and use these women and pay ’em pennies on the dollar to make your millions,” he said.

“F*** you, LeBron James. You’re a coward. You’re a spineless coward, and you’re a b****.”

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.

It is not the first time that Covington has attacked LeBron, who is known for his support for the Black Lives Matter movement and his animosity toward former President Donald Trump, whom he called a “bum.”

In an appearance on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” in June 2021, he similarly called out LeBron’s hypocrisy over China and his refusal to speak out against its abuses of its Muslim Uyghur population.

“I just see all the hypocrisy from LeBron,” he explained. “He claims to be about social justice, but he won’t say ‘Free Hong Kong.’ He won’t talk about the Uyghurs that are locked up in concentration camps in China.

“He won’t talk about all the women that he’s profiting off of in his Chinese sweatshops that are making all his shoes — for dollars — that he’s coming over to America and selling them for hundreds and profiting millions off of here in America.”

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Covington is also known for his vocal support of Trump.

During Wednesday’s news conference, he sported a “Make America Great Again” jacket signed by the former president.

The jacket also featured Trump’s mugshot on the back, leading Covington into a rant about the corruption of the U.S. justice system.

“Do you realize how corrupt this system is right now? They are weaponizing the judicial system … it is political persecution. They are scared of him. They know he is the greatest threat to … the swamp,” the UFC star said.

Do you agree with Covington?

“He stands for democracy and they don’t like that. There are a bunch of communist people running this country right now and we need to get them right out.”

“2024 is our last stand,” he added. “If Donald Trump doesn’t get back in office, this country is done.”

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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