
Films Pushing Trans Agenda, Puberty Blockers Forced on Fifth-Graders in California School District: Report


Over more than three decades, I spent time in various levels of education, teaching in a range all the way from graduate school down to fifth grade.

Among the most interesting were fifth-graders. I spent a couple of years with them. It’s a unique age — right between the limitations of childhood and adolescence.

There was a certain innocence about them that made them a delight to be around. While there was some research around 1990 that said teachers discriminated against girls and that boys had all the favor, I could have told them otherwise.

Girls were focused on attempting to manipulate me and control the classroom. Boys, on the other hand, were more interested in being with each other and fooling with the Hot Wheels cars they brought to school.

Either way, they were enjoyable kids, and there was, as I said, a certain innocence about them.

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So it makes my blood boil to see what’s happening in many schools as efforts are made to force transgenderism down the throats of kids as young as fifth-graders.


The Hayward Unified School District in the Bay Area of California is pushing transgenderism and all sorts of LGBT evil, The Daily Wire reported Tuesday.

California, of course, is the place where there are efforts to keep parents in the dark about school district pressures to make children question how they were born.

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And that’s what it is: pressure.

After all, how is an 11-year-old able to make accurate judgments when alleged adults attempt to immerse them in radical, irreversible life changes?

According to documents reviewed by The Daily Wire, the school district’s resource material includes a guide to “LGBTQ Inclusive Films” tells children beginning in fifth grade.

This includes “one for those in 5th grade and up that aims to showcase ‘the diversity of experiences of gender,'” the outlet reported.

Through a library card, young children can access the Kanopy streaming service and find the 11-minute video “I’m Just Anneke” about a 12-year-old girl tomboy who isn’t sure if she is a girl, a boy or “something in between.”

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So in the midst of the usual angst and confusion accompanying adolescence, Bay Area kids are getting pushed in the school district’s own carefully crafted direction.

HUSD also provides an LGBT resource document featuring everything from “Lesson Plans to Create Gender Expansive Classrooms” to “Trans-positive picture books” for kindergartners, The Daily Wire reported.

Of course, the district also has a “Template for Pride Flag Ceremony” based on a 2021 unanimous school board declaration of “June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Pride Month in HUSD.”

The template includes histories of LGBT personages along with a history of the LGBT flag. There’s also instruction of LGBT flag placement (at least it’s still beneath the U.S. flag and the California flag), followed by a Soviet-style directive for all the comrades to “Cheer!” following the raising of the flag.

And then there are the school district’s commercial directives regarding LGBT swag items with encouragement toward crowdfunding and homemade “Pride” items.

I didn’t see any directives toward the wearing of Christian decorative items, but I have a good idea of what the school rules are for those.

What’s more, HUSD is requiring its 19,000 students to “watch films that promote transgenderism and highlight how treatments such as puberty blockers work,” The Daily Wire reported.

Is it any wonder more parents are placing their children in trusted private schools or home-schooling them?

Regarding society standing by as these things happen, I remember a lesson I learned while teaching fifth grade.

I was singing the blues to the school principal about some of my students’ misbehavior. His response got my attention: “It’s because you let them,” he said.


HUSD and other school districts are doing this because we let them.

It’s because we’re afraid to stand up to the LGBT militants (what somebody called the “look-at-me’s”) and say no.


You decide what that “no” means. Run for school board, remove your kids, start private community-based schools.

Whatever your decision, it must emphasize “no.”



A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

What if you woke up one morning and half of the people you count on had just vanished overnight?

That happened to me recently. I got up, came to work here at The Western Journal, and when I got to my office, literally half of our readers had vanished. They were just gone. We had been nuked by Facebook, and it had happened almost instantly.

But it was even worse. Facebook hit us at the same time 90 percent of advertisers had essentially boycotted us. "Brutal" is a word I’ve used a lot lately.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
