
Vivek Ramaswamy Reveals His Simple Strategy for Debating Kamala Harris if He Gets VP Nod


Vivek Ramaswamy might be out of the presidential race, but lately he’s been dropping some hints that he is not out of the race altogether.

Or at least, he’s having some fun imagining how he’d take on Kamala Harris in a vice presidential debate.

In a hilarious post shared on his X (formerly Twitter) feed, Ramaswamy responded to a post from Human Events editor Jack Proso, who wrote, “Imagine what Vivek would do to Kamala in a debate.”

Ramaswamy’s response? “Kamala is in charge of AI policy right now,” so he’d “[challenge] her to see if she can spell ‘AI,'” figuring he’d get “the same blank stare I got from Nikki when I asked her to name 3 provinces in eastern Ukraine.”

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Admittedly, that’s pretty funny.

Not only pretty funny, but also accurate: as other users demonstrated in the comments on this post, Ramaswamy is referring to a moment in the Tuscaloosa,  Alabama, Republican Primary debate back in December.

In addition to Ramaswamy’s viral moment where he rhetorically asked why he was the only one stage willing to say Jan. 6 was an inside job, he obliterated candidate Nikki Haley on Ukraine.

Would Vivek Ramaswamy crush Kamala Harris in a debate?

Ramaswamy decided to take Haley to task for her stance on sending U.S. aid to Ukraine, claiming, “[o]ne thing that Joe Biden and Nikki Haley have in common is that neither of them could even state for you three provinces in eastern Ukraine that they want to send our troops to actually fight for” before pointing out Haley’s blank stare in response to the comment.

Poor Haley tried to dig herself out of the hole by naming Donetsk, Luhensk, and Crimea, but, unfortunately for Haley, Crimea was annexed to Russia in 2014.

While you couldn’t help but feel some second-hand embarrassment for Haley, it was no doubt a defining moment for Ramaswamy.

One that, if the X responses are anything to go on, conservatives hope might be repeated in a vice presidential debate.

And to be fair, it’s not an unwarranted speculation.

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During Ramaswamy’s recent endorsement of Trump as the Republican candidate in New Hampshire on Tuesday, he and Trump were greeted with chants of “VP” from the crowd.

Trump even called Ramaswamy a “fantastic guy” in response to those chants.

Who knows? There’s no doubt Ramaswamy would obliterate Harris in a debate.

After all, Harris is a woman who infamously relies on other people to make sure her job is done correctly, never seems to have the slightest clue what she’s talking about, and makes asinine comments on the air when cornered with truth, which, altogether, has irrevocably sunk her reputation in the eyes of the public.

And on top of all that, her debating skills are famously pitiful, dropping out of the 2020 race early after she was thoroughly defeated by Tulsi Gabbard before becoming Biden’s diversity hire.

Ramswamy would absolutely destroy her in a debate.

The question is, will he get the chance to?

It’s certainly possible. And based on what we saw in New Hampshire on Tuesday, his chances are just as good if not better than any other contenders for the job.

Time will only tell, but in the meantime, we can enjoy speculating what Ramaswamy would be like as a vice presidential candidate.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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