
Trump Crushes Biden Across the Board in Swing-State Poll, with Immigration Crisis Taking Center Stage


A new poll that surveyed swing-state voters suggests that the border crisis and the economy are taking their toll on Joe Biden’s re-election chances.

When registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were asked for whom they would vote, 44 percent selected former President Donald Trump and 35 percent chose Biden.

With third-party candidates excluded, Trump prevails by 48 percent to 42 percent over Biden.

Digging deeper into the Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll reveals that those surveyed trust Trump over Biden to handle immigration by 52 to 30 percent.

“The 22 percentage point margin is up five points since the last poll in December,” Axios explained.

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Trump is also more trusted on economic issues by a 51-33 percent margin, which seems to be something of a contradiction, since 71 percent of the same cohort indicated that the U.S. economy is headed off on the wrong track.

Overall, 96 percent and 84 percent, respectively, consider the economy and immigration as important factors in how they plan to vote.

And nearly two-thirds of those in the seven-state poll believe that Biden is very or somewhat responsible for the illegal immigration surge at the southern border.

“The percentage of voters who said immigration was the ‘single most important issue’ to them in November went up in six of the seven swing states polled,” Axios added about these findings.

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The poll was taken Jan. 16-22 and surveyed 4,956 registered voters. The margin of error was plus or minus 1 percent.

On the surface, this online poll appears to be great news for Trump. He has a solid lead over Biden in many of the key states that will determine the outcome of the election.

And illegal immigration prompted by the Biden administration’s open-borders agenda seems to be playing a major role in that.

A Trump criminal conviction could purportedly change things significantly, though, with 53 percent in the Bloomberg poll claiming that they would be either somewhat or very unwilling to vote for the ex-POTUS, which may explain why Democrats are obsessed with waging lawfare against him.

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According to the Bloomberg poll, it seems that neither of the two presumptive presidential nominees would win a popularity contest per se. For Joe Biden, 58 percent of those surveyed view him unfavorably, while 52 percent felt that way about Trump.

To generate this data, pollsters contacted registered voters, which generally is considered a less reliable metric than likely voters.

Moreover, the 2020 and 2022 elections showed that campaigning, debates and election-day voting were far less impactful than mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, various forms of creative bookkeeping and other “outreach” techniques implemented by the Democrat machine.

It’s unclear whether the institutional GOP has sufficiently geared up a field organization for ballot collection in those states where it is legal.

While the Republican National Committee may or may not be ineffective in this regard, we can hope the Trump team has a strategy to maximize turnout — however turnout is defined these days.

As social media influencer Mike Cernovich, among others, has pointed out, “Polls and sentiment don’t mean anything. Democrats know that. He who harvests the ballots and count the votes decide [the] winner.”

Another interesting nugget in the poll is that 54 percent lack trust in the ability of VP Kamala Harris to take over for Joe if he can’t continue in office, which is perhaps why rumors persist that Michelle Obama is waiting in the wings.

According to a Real Clear Politics aggregate of 10 polls, Joe Biden currently has a job disapproval rating of 55 percent.

Real Clear Politics is also showing a solid Trump lead in those states that will decide the election in 2024.

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