
Horrific Allegations Against Former Third Grade Teacher Break, 56 Victims Have Stepped Forward so Far


In a culture that openly promotes the mutilation of children for gender affirmation, drag queen story hours and pedophilia being upgraded to “Minor Attracted Person,” what was once shocking and horrifying to the overwhelming majority population is now just another blip on the news for far too many.

Take the case of Thomas Bernagozzi, the 75-year-old retired Long Island elementary school teacher. In December, Bernagozzi was accused of sexually abusing the third graders he once taught. Some of the cases date back to the 1980s, according to the New York Post.

“The sheer magnitude of what this defendant is alleged to have committed is astounding,” Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney said. The DA reportedly has evidence from Bernagozzi’s home that corroborates the victims’ stories, according to News 12. Officials have called Bernagozzi a serial child abuser.

Bernagozzi was arrested and placed on supervised release after pleading not guilty to charges of sodomy and sexual abuse against a child.

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Forty-five of Bernagozzi’s former students have filed civil complaints alleging they were victims of his abuse. The criminal charges stemming from his arrest focus on allegations from two particular students. Officials have identified 11 more victims since Bernagozzi’s last court appearance in December.

The alleged victims were students at two Bay Shore elementary schools, according to WNBC. Bernagozzi taught in the town for almost three decades. Prosecutors claim he abused scores of students at and away from school.

Josh Silber, a lawyer for two of the alleged victims, said Bernagozzi took some of the students on trips so he could abuse them, “Including trips to the beach, where he would take them into the locker rooms…and shower with them, and help them change. He took them to a health club that he was a member of.”

DA Tierney said that one possible victim was a 4-year-old whose sibling was Bernagozzi’s third-grade student.

Are public schools compromised?

The horror. But it gets worse.

Silber wants to hold Bay Shore school officials accountable for their part in the twisted tale. “Our investigations have revealed that there was ample evidence of complaints against him going back for decades,” said Silber. “And yet nobody ever put a stop to him spending all this time with these boys.”

School officials in the Michigan school shooter case that left students four dead didn’t do anything when they had the chance. The parents are currently on trial for their part in ignoring the signs that their son was about to go off the deep end, but not the school officials who could have also stepped in to prevent it.

Bernagozzi’s lawyers won’t have the luxury of blaming the parents of the third graders for what he did. But they might be able to shift some of the blame to the school if Silber proves correct.

If Bernagozzi did what he is accused of — time will tell — it is a truly horrific story. It’s a crime against humanity. Sadly, it is but one story among many highlighting the decadence of a culture in steep moral decline.

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As such, people who hear about it will be shocked for a time and then the next story will come along and they may be shocked by it as well — just not as much. After seeing more and more horrifying accounts, some people won’t pay attention anymore because horror is so normal it’s boring. Welcome to hell.

Even worse, it is to be expected in a culture that embraces the mutilation of children, drag queen story hours and LGBT ideology in public schools.

Progressives have a death wish. And that’s why stories like Bernagozzi’s need to continue to be told. The good people of America must realize that their children are at risk in public schools teeming with wokesters, and they must do something to protect them.

When it comes to our children, living horror should never be the norm.

Bernagozzi will get his day in court. He’s scheduled to appear in court in March. He faces up to 25 years on each charge if convicted, according to WABC TV.

We’ll be watching.

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Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at
