
Lifetime Removes Trailer for New Documentary Shortly After Posting It - State of Iconic Former Television Host Is Startling


A trailer for a Lifetime documentary about talk show host Wendy Williams appeared on social media Thursday, but it disappeared just moments later.

Williams, 59, had been noticeably absent from the public eye for more than a year, according to The Sun.

She abruptly left her television program, The Wendy Williams Talk Show, during its twelfth season in 2021. Her mental and physical health were suffering at the time, and she was embroiled in legal struggles.

Clips from the trailer documented the entertainer experiencing a marked decline after her heyday.

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Footage showed Williams playing to a large and enthusiastic audience and receiving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

It was followed by later videos of the star looking thin and struggling to stand on her own.

Williams confessed to the camera that she had “no money.” Immediately after, she began crying and clutching a pillow in obvious distress.

Are you a fan of Wendy Williams?

She is currently under the care of a court-appointed guardian at the behest of financial institution Wells Fargo, according to Page Six.

In February 2022, the bank asserted that Williams was of “unsound mind” and had consequently become a “victim of undue influence and financial exploitation.”

Williams argued against the bank’s claims and demanded that it return access to her money. She released a video on social media at the time, denying that she was in need of financial oversight.

“I want to see all my money that I worked hard for my entire life.”

“I don’t lie, and I don’t cheat, and I don’t steal,” she continued. “I am an honest, hardworking person.”

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Some of her family also expressed disapproval at the guardianship status. Her sister Wanda wanted the family to be in charge instead of a court-appointed proxy.

“We are her family,” said Wanda, “and you tell me that I’m not capable of taking care of my sister. What would you do? What should I do?”

Son Kevin Hunter, Jr. also feels the legal guardian has fallen short, according to E! News.

“I feel like the guardian has not done a good job at protecting my mom,” the 23-year-old said.

The documentary, “Where Is Wendy Williams?” will air in two parts on Lifetime. It premiers on Feb. 24 and Feb. 25.

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Aubrey Wursten is a prolific writer and political commentator. In addition to her day job, she enjoys writing for her satire site, reading dusty library books, and watching offbeat documentaries.
Aubrey Wursten is a prolific writer and political commentator. In addition to her day job, she enjoys writing for her satire site, reading dusty library books, and watching offbeat documentaries.
