
'Squad' Leftist Rashida Tlaib Turns Against Biden for Dem Primary - Now He Has a Choice to Make


The Democratic primary process is set up to give President Joe Biden the nomination without even a fight, but Rep. Rashda Tlaib is posing a test.

The far-left “squad” member, whose district includes areas of Michigan with dense Muslim populations, took to social media over the weekend to urge her constituents to turn out for the Democratic primary — and turn against Biden.

And how that turns out could affect the course of the Biden presidency.

According to Newsweek, the video was shot outside the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center in Dearborn (a town dubbed “America’s Jihad Capital” by a recent, revealing Wall Street Journal column).

Tlaib talked up opposition to Israel’s war of self-preservation and against the murdering terrorists of Hamas (Rep. Tlaib is firmly on the murdering terrorists’ side) and advised viewers “to not only march against the genocide, not only make sure that we’re calling our members of Congress and local electeds and passing city resolutions, all throughout our country.”

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But that’s not all.

“It is also important to create a voting bloc, something that is a bullhorn to say, ‘enough is enough,'” she said.

“Right now, we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government. If you want us to be louder, then come here and vote ‘uncommitted.'”

Those two words, “vote uncommitted” are going to echo through American politics for at least the next week. Early voting in the presidential primary started Feb. 17. The primary election is Feb. 27.

Now that New Age guru Marianne Williamson has suspended her token campaign, Biden has only one more token opponent in the primary race — Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips. But Tlaib’s endorsement of an “uncommitted” protest could shake things up considerably.

There’s no question Biden is going to win the primary election in Michigan. But the general election is a different story. Michigan is one of the swing states that are going to decide whether Biden or his Republican opponent — former President Donald Trump barring something extraordinary happening — is inaugurated next January.

If a substantial, organized anti-Biden vote actually materializes in counting after the Feb. 27 primary, it could bode very poorly for Biden’s chances in the state in November — which could mean trouble overall. And Democrats know it — judging by the social media reaction from users whose accounts betray a definite leftist bent.

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But Biden — and the actual brains behind his campaign — has an even greater danger than the Democrats of Dearbornistan and other Arab-heavy areas of Michigan failing to vote for him in November.

He’s also being pushed by leftists to heed the lunatics on college campuses who think killing Jews is cool as long as it’s done in the name of fighting the allegedly “apartheid” state of Israel.

Is Biden ready to abandon Israel to please the far left?

The president’s support for Israel since the Oct. 7 abomination by Hamas killers has gone from lockstep, no-daylight backing in the early days (he visited the country within two weeks to show “solidarity,” as the White House put it) to insulting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and using a nationally televised news conference to call Israel’s war in Gaza “over the top,” as CNN reported.

(That was the same news conference Biden called to prove to Americans he wasn’t an “elderly man with a poor memory” — and promptly confused the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico.)

That isn’t because the Biden team has changed its mind. It’s because the Democratic Party’s lunatic left has gotten more vocal in its opposition to Israel and its support for Hamas. And that has to be frightening for Biden backers who realize just how slim the Democratic hold on power is.

For all her leftist nonsense, Rashida Tlaib is doing the country a favor.

Americans are going to see if Biden has the political strength (not to mention basic human decency that should come with being a supposedly devout Catholic) to face down a bananas wing of his party that actually supports men who rape and torture women and slaughter innocents.

Americans will also see, on the national stage, whether he cravenly caves for the sake of political expedience.

Judging by the past three years of political misjudgment and cowardice on the world stage, it’s not hard to figure out which is the better bet — but the primary and Tlaib’s endorsement are putting it in high relief.

It’s a test for Biden. And it’s almost certain money that he isn’t going to pass.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.
