
NBC Sports Legend Bob Costas Savages Biden, Allies On Air - Threats to Democracy


As a new immigrant to this amazing nation, Bob Costas represents the part of America I despise — the part of American elitist society that believes if you are famous for anything, you automatically know better than others and are an expert on American politics who should be president.

Costas recently appeared on “Real Time with Bill Maher” and had to share his stunningly unintelligent opinion on the most likely 2024 election rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Costas had five main points to make, which require attention:

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  • Biden should have run as a one-term president;
  • He won the presidency because he isn’t Donald Trump;
  • This would have allowed the Democrats to get folks “in the bullpen” and have time to pick a nominee;
  • The Democrats should get rid of Biden if his hubris continues to get in the way of the party — and the country;
  • “If Trump is a threat to democracy — and in many ways he is — so too are the Dems, who are in danger of being as feckless as the Republicans have long been shameless if they’re gonna send this guy out there.”

First, Costas began, “This is emperor’s new clothes stuff. Biden should have run on a firm promise that he would be a one-term president.”

Cast your mind back to the 2020 election. Can you remember the painful propaganda the left was using to use as the reason to elect Joe Biden? Their campaign slogan was “Build Back Better,” and they focused on how Biden represented a sense of normality because the country was in chaos under  Trump.

Is Bob Costas right that Joe Biden is a threat to Democracy?

There was nothing about being a one-term president. As recently as Jan. 31, 2023, The New York Times ran an op-ed about how Biden still had the potential to be the savior of the free world. On Oct. 27, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed that Biden’s only salvation was a new vice president.

All this despite the evidence that during the 2020 election, Joe Biden could not run for eight years. While Trump was running across the country doing more significant campaign events, Biden stayed home and opted for “safer” internet based town halls.

“The only reason he is president is that he’s not Donald Trump,” Costas continued.

While this point of view has some merit, there is another reason: American elections are not secure. At best, 2020 represented the most significant potential for systematic voter fraud; and at worst, it represented the largest successful voter fraud in U.S. history

Now, before you call me an election denier, I would urge all Americans to research U.S. elections and compare them to how other nations vote.

My old country, Ireland, is a “well-respected” nation in America and the world. Yet it would never run elections the way America does.

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Ireland has one election day, where you can go to your local polling station, present your ID and address, and receive your voter card. Then, you can vote. Counting starts the next day, and you have 99 percent of the results by 6 p.m. that night.

Compare that to America, where you can vote in person or by mail-in ballot for weeks before an election, and sometimes you don’t need to present an ID. That is lunacy.

The Heartland Institute completed a survey where they found that one in five voters completed a mail-in ballot for a state they no longer lived in and that one in five admitted to completing a ballot for a friend or family member.

“Then the Dems could have gotten a lot of people up in the bullpen, and they could have sorted through those people,” Costas said, as audience members continued to applaud his previous statement.

This is the one comment I would love Costas to clarify. Who is in this tremendous Democratic bullpen that could run for president? Look at some of the names and ask yourself, is it a shock that the left has nominated 69-year-old Hillary Clinton and 77-year-old Joe Biden in the last two elections? The person who challenged them the most was a 75- and 79-year-old Bernie Sanders.

Newsweek recently gave four names to replace Joe Biden.

Michelle Obama: Can you imagine her in a debate? She has no substance whatsoever.

Kamala Harris: Who would nominate the person in the White House with a lower approval rating than Biden? ’Nuff said.

Gretchen Whitmer: How could Democrats justify selecting the person who locked down her state and then partied in Florida?

Gavin Newsom – Where to start? He is a straight white man, which I believe should automatically disqualify you from running for the left in 2024. No? Apart from that, as governor of California he has overseen the destruction of the state with rules, high taxes, and homelessness.

The only other name that could be mentioned here is Mayor Pete Buttigieg, famous for putting lights under a bridge in his hometown.

Republicans should be open to doing battle with any of these Democrats because they all represent the status quo of big government, America last, and have no basic understanding of freedom.

Did I miss anybody?

Costas continued,”If Biden’s hubris is such that he doesn’t understand the best interest of his party and, more important, his country, then he has to be shown the door. Period.”

Did you notice how Costas put the party before the country? That is not by mistake. With the elitist left, it is always left and party first and country second.

“Because, if Trump is a threat to democracy — and in many ways he is — so too are the Dems, who are in danger of being as feckless as the Republicans have long been shameless if they’re going to send this guy out there,” Costas concluded.

The hubris here is expecting Joe Biden to step down. The country elected Biden as the calm old grandpa who would bring back normality and “build back better.” If you look at his campaign promises to the left, he has achieved most of them. And with the establishment and liberal media covering for him and claiming he is doing a good job, why would he feel the need to leave? What incentive does he have to step down?

The real problem for Costas and the other elites is they are finally realizing what people on the right have said since day one: Biden is a puppet who has no clue where he is, what he is doing and how weak a leader he truly is.

The left is only admitting this now because they realize the American people are also waking up to this fact and know they will lose in 2024 without some significant change.

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Born in Socialist Ireland, Jonathon Dunne grew up with a disdain for big government, oppressive rules, and high taxation. At a young age, his life changed when he had the opportunity to travel to Clearwater, Florida - he knew he must live in and call America home. It took him 18 LONG years, but Jonathon now calls Tulsa, Oklahoma, his home and is a proud OKIE. He is a Christian, a staunch supporter of the Constitution, and a defender of the Declaration of Independence, which he calls the most important founding document. Jonathon has written for countless websites, including Glenn Beck, former Podcaster with Blaze Media, Keynote Speaker, and political advisor.
