
PETA Hits Out at Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Over Their Australia Sightseeing


Editor’s Note: Our readers responded strongly to this story when it originally ran; we’re reposting it here in case you missed it.

PETA is at it again.

This time, according to a TMZ report, the animal-rights activist organization cried foul over pop star Taylor Swift visiting a zoo in Sydney, Australia, Feb. 23 with her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.

Among other things, Swift was spotted feeding a kangaroo during her time at the zoo —  something plenty of “kids at heart” dream of doing.

Debbie Meltzer, PETA Foundation Director of Captive Animal Welfare, complained to the entertainment news outlet, saying, “While we understand all too well the appeal of seeing Australia’s wildlife, PETA hopes that next time Taylor and Travis want to see wild animals, they’ll spend their time and money at a true sanctuary.”

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How blatantly short-sighted of PETA to trash Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce for spending a day at the Sydney Zoo during some of their time off together.

It is an instance of doing more harm than good. Lecturing two grown adults as to where they should spend their time is a complete overstep by PETA.

I guess PETA doesn’t realize that the exposure of the Sydney Zoo by Swift and Kelce could result in additional visitors to the zoo. The result will be plenty of extra dollars to help fund the care of the animals.

If Debbie Meltzer is truly concerned with how the team at the zoo handles and treats these animals, you would think that extra funding would be factored into the mix. Obviously, that isn’t the case.

Is PETA a joke?

PETA advised Swift and Kelce to head to the local sanctuary next time, where they could view the animals from a distance — and surely not pet or feed them.

PETA are zealots. They are animal extremists who view the world through one lens and feel they have the right to dictate to others how to treat animals.

They steal from the book of the progressive left — a group that eats its own.

Such is the case with Swift and Kelce. PETA has now turned some private time into a public shaming for the two.

It isn’t the first time PETA has called out celebrities. They regularly do so. Pete Davidson, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and more have all had their turn in the spotlight most recently.

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Now they have Swift and Kelce in their crosshairs. It is stupefying.

With or without a visit from Swift and Kelce, the Sydney Zoo will exist, but the zoo probably couldn’t afford the advertising dollars to buy the exposure they got with the famous couple’s visit.

The Sydney reunion date preceded Swift’s final 4 Sydney concerts, according to TMZ.

PETA may not be happy with what Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were doing in Australia. I hardly think that her fans will lose a night’s sleep over it. They certainly aren’t about to cancel Swift over this.

Those Swifties are pretty loyal. And many probably aren’t even aware of what PETA is.

All they want is to enjoy Swift on stage. I think in this particular case, PETA has met its match. It’s been said, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” but in this case, PETA has never met up with the likes of Swift. They’d do better to pipe down and enjoy the show.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app, combining new friendships and walking on the local level.
Laura J. Wellington is an award-winning children's television creator, author, blogger and technology entrepreneur. A TED Speaker, she is the founder of the THREAD MB blog as well as the ZNEEX app, combining new friendships and walking on the local level.
