
Biden, Harris, McConnell, Schumer Gang Up on House Speaker Mike Johnson in 'Intense' Meeting


House Speaker Mike Johnson reportedly faced fire from other top elected officials — including Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — during a meeting at the White House Tuesday that was described as “intense.”

Johnson met with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and McConnell, who each pressured him to rally House Republicans to avert a partial government shutdown beginning Friday.

McConnell joined Democrats in urging Johnson to get an appropriations bill to the House floor to prevent the partial shutdown and a larger shutdown next week.

Jeffries told reporters, “It was an intense meeting, it was an honest meeting.”

The New York Democrat concluded the meeting with Johnson was “productive” regarding stopgap bills to fund much of the federal government.

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“I’m cautiously optimistic that we can do what is necessary within the next day or so to close down these bills and avoid a government shutdown.”

McConnell joined Schumer in pressuring Johnson to bring a bill to a vote, which he said could put Johnson’s speakership at risk if he goes around his own party to work with Democrats and the White House, The Hill reported.

Do you care whether the federal government shuts down?

Schumer said Johnson confirmed in the meeting he “unequivocally” wants to “avoid a government shutdown,” according to Axios.

“[McConnell and I] made it clear that means not letting any [current appropriations bills] lapse, which means you need some [stopgap bills],” Schumer also said, adding the meeting “was one of the most intense I’ve ever encountered in my many meetings in the Oval Office.”

The Hill framed the meeting as one in which Johnson was the subject of a “gang up” against him by McConnell and Democrats.

Not only do the leaders of the Senate, the White House and House Democrats want to pass a temporary bill to fund the government, but they all want more funding for Ukraine’s military.

Johnson is facing pressure to green-light $60 billion to give to Kyiv, but he could find himself in the same position as former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he caves.

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McCarthy broke with his GOP colleagues last year on an appropriations bill and was ultimately forced out of power and later left Congress.

Johnson said after the meeting he is optimistic a rendition can be reached.

“We have been working in good faith around the clock every single day for months and weeks, and over the last several days, quite literally around the clock to get that job done. We’re very optimistic,” the speaker told reporters Tuesday.

“We believe that we can get to agreement on these issues and prevent a government shutdown. That’s our first responsibility” Johnson added.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
