
Kamala Harris Blasted After Saying 'Hamas Needs to Do Its Thing' During Word Salad


Vice President Kamala Harris has never been famous for her speaking, and her latest blunder highlights just that.

Harris briefly spoke with reporters on Monday afternoon in Washington before she met with Israeli politician Benny Gantz, a member of that country’s War Cabinet as it battles Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

“What’s your message for Benny Gantz?” a reporter asked her.

“Well, we’re going to discuss a number of things in terms of the priorities that, certainly, we have, which includes getting a hostage deal done, getting aid in and then getting that six-week cease-fire,” the vice president said.

“You know, the president and I have been very clear that Israel has a right to defend itself, that we have got to make sure that innocent civilians aren’t being killed and that we’ve got to get these hostages out,” she continued.

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“And that is one of the highest priorities right — that, right now, we have,” Harris said.

She then worked to pump up President Joe Biden, claiming he has been “an extraordinary leader in getting us to this point that we have the six-week deal.”

Unfortunately, the vice president fumbled right after that statement.

“And so Hamas needs to do its thing,” she said.

People on social media immediately called out Harris for using this questionable phrase when describing the actions of the Islamic terrorist group, which killed 1,200 people — mostly civilians — and took many others hostage during its Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

“Um… Hamas doing its thing is what started the war,” author Ilya Shapiro said in a post on X.

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Many shared similar sentiments about her remark.

While the reporters at the scene failed to question the odd statement from Harris, people on social media didn’t let the vice president get away with it.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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