
Dick Morris: Biden Is Not Delivering for His Base


The latest New York Times/Siena poll explains clearly why President Joe Biden is falling behind Donald Trump among young voters and Latinos and dropping behind his historic margins among blacks.

In the survey, taken in February, the pollsters asked voters whether Biden’s and Trump’s policies have “helped you personally” or “hurt you personally.” The results do more to explain Trump’s lead over Biden than any other measurement.

All respondents said that Biden’s policies have hurt more than they have helped by 43-18. On the other hand, they felt that Trump’s policies have helped more than they have hurt by 40-25.

This metric shows Biden’s problem most clearly among the elements of his political base.

Hispanic voters overwhelmingly feel that Trump’s policies have lifted them up while Biden’s policies have let them down.

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By 37-22, they said that Trump’s policies have helped more than they have hurt, while they reported that Biden’s policies have hurt more than they have helped by 36-15.

Among voters under 30 the sentiment is similar. Only 10 percent said Biden’s policies have helped them personally, while 24 percent said they have hurt.

For Trump, the numbers are reversed. Twenty-eight percent of voters under 30 felt that Trump’s policies have helped them personally, while 22 percent said they have hurt.

Among blacks the data is also in Trump’s favor, but a bit less so.

Will Biden be re-elected?

African-Americans reported that Biden’s policies have hurt more than they have helped by 21-17, while they said that Trump’s have helped more than they hurt by 26-24.

Democrats hope that Trump’s historic problems with women voters will rescue them. But women reported that Biden has hurt more than he has helped by 40-18, while they said Trump has helped more than he has hurt by 39-26. No respite there for Biden.

With negative margins like these, it is no wonder the president is failing to bring in his base.

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Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, "50 Shades of Politics," was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
