
Missouri Teen's Life Hangs by a Thread After Vicious High School Beatdown Caught on Camera


Editor’s Note: Our readers responded strongly to this story when it originally ran; we’re reposting it here in case you missed it.

A teenage girl in Missouri is fighting for her life after she was beaten mercilessly and had her head repeatedly slammed against concrete near her school in St. Louis County on March 8.

The vicious beating occurred near Hazelwood East High School during a broader melee as a large group of students were seen fighting, KTVI reported.

Video captured the moment the teen, whose family has not revealed her full identity, was punched by another girl.

The other girl in the clip climbed on top of Kaylee and smashed her head against the pavement until she was unconscious. The disturbing video shows the teen convulsing.

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WARNING: The following video contains disturbing images of violence and offensive language, and viewer discretion is advised.

According to KTVI, Kaylee was rushed to a nearby hospital and was immediately admitted in critical condition.

Per a GoFundMe campaign that was created for the girl, she was clinging to life.

“With heavy hearts I am asking for support for our beloved Kaylee and family,” a family friend named Sarah Hall wrote. “In minutes, this family’s life shattered when their only daughter was assaulted outside of a North County high school.”

Hall wrote that Kaylee’s fellow students left her “alone on the ground to convulse before EMTs arrived on the scene.”

The teen was diagnosed with “a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage.”

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“She has major brain bleeding and swelling and is in critical condition,” Hall added. “Kaylee is fighting hard to stay alive and heal but this is only the beginning of a very uphill battle for Kaylee and her family. We will not know the extent of the brain damage that has occurred until she wakes up but the path to recovery will be extremely hard on the family, not only mentally but financially.”

Hall asked those who could not donate to the campaign to pray for the girl.

As of March 13, the GoFundMe campaign had raised more than $100,000 of a $150,000 goal.

KTVI reported the girl who allegedly injured Kaylee was arrested the next day, March 9, on assault charges.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey argued on social media that the girl should be tried as an adult.

Missouri Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe also commented on the savage beating.

The Hazelwood School District released a statement about the assault, which it described as “a tragedy.”

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“It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children,” the district said in a statement to KTVI.

The statement concluded, “The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need. We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children. Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community.”

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Johnathan Jones has worked as a reporter, an editor, and producer in radio, television and digital media.
Johnathan "Kipp" Jones has worked as an editor and producer in radio and television. He is a proud husband and father.
