
Sick Video Comes Out on Palestinian Convoy Deaths: They Massacred Their Own People - Report


On Thursday, the Hamas-run Palestinian Ministry of Health claimed that at least 20 Palestinians were killed and over 150 injured by Israeli forces as crowds gathered to receive humanitarian aid in Gaza City.

Al Jazeera reported that witnesses said “Israeli forces had used helicopters, tanks and drones to target thousands of people waiting on food trucks.”

In a Facebook post, Hamas accused Israel of having “hidden intentions” to “commit a new, horrible massacre.”

Even U.S. lawmakers chimed in.

Rep. Delia Ramirez of Illinois posted, “Palestinians are starving and waiting in agony for help. Once again, instead of receiving humanitarian aid, they are being met with bombs and bullets. ENOUGH!”

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But, as has so often happened during the war between Israel and Hamas, another story emerged to counter the propaganda.

The Israel Defense Forces stated on Friday that after a “preliminary review,” it concluded Israeli soldiers “did not open fire at the aid convoy.”

“This past Thursday, the IDF facilitated the passage of 31 humanitarian aid trucks for civilians in northern Gaza,” the IDF said.

“Approximately one hour before the arrival of the convoy to the humanitarian corridor, armed Palestinians opened fire while Gazan civilians were awaiting the arrival of the aid convoy.”

The Israeli military released aerial footage purportedly showing the Palestinian gunmen shooting into the crowd.

The IDF also said that the gunmen continued shooting as the aid trucks entered the corridor and “the crowd of Gazans began looting the trucks.” Amid the chaos, the IDF said several civilians were run over by the trucks.

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According to The Times of Israel, the IDF accused Hamas of conducting a “smear campaign” against Israel with the aim of “instigating violence in other arenas.”

This is not the first or even the second time Israeli forces have been hastily blamed for an attack on Palestinian civilians.

Last month, Hamas claimed over 100 Palestinians were killed by IDF soldiers near another convoy of trucks bringing aid to the region, Reuters reported.

UN “experts” condemned what they referred to as the “massacre,” accusing Israel of “targeting civilians seeking humanitarian aid and humanitarian convoys.”

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But that narrative was refuted by IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, who announced after a review that most of the dead had been killed in a stampede as the crowds thronged toward the aid trucks.

The most well-known of the debunked Israeli attacks, of course, happened just 10 days after the Oct. 7 massacre in which 1,200 Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists.

A Hamas claim that Israel had bombed a Gazan hospital was immediately reported as fact by journalists and echoed by left-wing politicians, even though it was soon rebutted by Israeli and U.S. sources who said the damage was likely caused by a misfired Palestinian rocket.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”

The unfortunate victims in this cloud of lies and propaganda are the Palestinians, especially the children.

It’s insane that the West will move heaven and earth to help Ukraine, yet many Westerners and certainly most leftists don’t want to lift a finger to help Israel.

As long as Hamas maintains its grip on Gaza, Palestinian civilians will continue to be exploited as props designed to turn global opinion against Israel. The terrorist group has proved time and again that it is willing to sacrifice the well-being of the very people it claims to represent in exchange for propaganda wins.

As difficult as the conflict has been, removing this malign influence is the only path to genuine peace and security in the region.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.
