
Joe Biden Gets New 'Transport' Shoes That Have to Be Seen to Be Believed


The lengths to which the Biden administration has gone to minimize his age-related mishaps have truly become farcical.

Over the past year, our aged president has been spotted wearing sneakers with his suits in situations where he is liable to trip, such as the Air Force Once stairs, but even those haven’t been enough to minimize his mishaps.

Now, the White House has had to take it a step further, giving Biden a pair of one of the most ridiculous-looking shoes ever conceived by mortal minds.

He wore a pair of sneakers that, at first glance seem normal, but upon further inspection, sport rubber soles far larger than regular sneakers.

As the syndicated program “Inside Edition” reported back in February, Biden wore a pair of the sneakers for his Feb. 29 trip to the southern border.

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“Inside Edition,” apparently thinking the American public was breathlessly waiting for someone to identify the rubber boats Biden had on his feet, informed viewers that the ridiculous new kicks Biden sported were the Hoka brand Transport sneakers.

The Hoka website describes these shoes, retailing at $175, as most suitable for hiking and walking, and boasts that they’ve earned the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance, ensuring these giant sneakers are optimal for foot health.

On Saturday, the Republican Party’s social media arm RNC Research published a post on the social media platform X with the “Inside Edition” feature, clearly to remind Americans how unsteady the president is.

Fox News didn’t let it escape notice, noting that Biden’s oversized sneakers have already raised eyebrows on social media, with many observers jokingly calling them “boat anchors,” “piers,” and “Air Bidens.”

“Inside Edition’s” report informed us that the shoes are to help Biden’s “peripheral neuropathy,” which means that his feet suffer some kind of nerve damage, and the shoes are meant to mitigate the symptoms of that.

Considering that ordinary sneakers didn’t prevent Biden from stumbling up the shortened stairs to Air Force One a few weeks ago, it’s not surprising that Biden’s handlers decided to upgrade his footwear.

That said, these heavy-duty, foot-health-optimized sneakers do nothing to alleviate voters’ concerns regarding Biden’s advanced age.

Is Biden too physically fragile to serve four more years as president?

Indeed, British publication The Independent noted that, according to a recent ABC News pool, over 86 percent of voters believe Biden’s too old for another term.

Now, the few Biden defenders left in the country might counter that Biden, at 81, is only a few years older than the previous oldest president Ronald Reagan, the previous oldest president, was when Reagan finished his second term in office in 1989.

The difference is, not only was Reagan significantly younger than Biden when he entered office, but aside from being wounded in an assassination attempt in 1981 and having intestinal surgery in 1985, he was in great health most of his two terms. He also promised to step down if he ever showed any signs of mental decline, as helpfully informs us.

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Moreover, Reagan could easily mount the steps to Air Force One without the help of ridiculous orthopedic shoes.

He constantly wore the leather shoes presidents typically wear with their suits, without any appearance of instability or discomfort.

Biden’s fancy new kicks merely reinforce the concerns voters have this election cycle  — namely, that the president is clearly not mentally or physically capable of holding the highest office in the most powerful country in the world.

Can he take another four years without losing his ability to walk?

Biden is too old, clearly, but the Democrats have maneuvered themselves into an impossible position by forcing diversity hire Kamala Harris into the vice presidency.

Americans like Harris even less than they do Biden, if such a thing is even possible, but Democrats can’t ax her without alienating their identity-politics base.

She flamed out of the 2020 primary race in epic fashion — withdrawing before the first votes were even cast in Iowa and New Hampshire — yet she is where she is now because of her gender and skin color.

Which, the Democrats have learned to their everlasting regret, have nothing to do with how politically savvy you are.

The Democrats made their bed with diversity nonsense, and they’re going to have to lie in it.

And every time Joe Biden’s lack of balance makes another embarrassing batch of headlines, or his shoes get profiled in a primetime newsmagazine program, they’re all going to be reminded of it.

It’s poetic justice at its finest.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor


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