
Op-Ed: Bully Biden Threatens Our Democracy


In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Recently, this poignant reminder echoed through the halls of Congress in light of President Joe Biden’s threats aimed at the Supreme Court and its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson.

During the “abortion for all” segment of his 2024 State of the Union address, Biden warned the justices, “Women are not without … electoral or political power. You’re about to realize just how much you’re right about that.”

In a move worthy of a banana republic dictator, Biden not only invited a political response but issued a not-so-veiled threat against the very guardians of our Constitution. This moment highlighted our ongoing struggle to maintain the independence and integrity of the judiciary, a cornerstone upon which our freedom rests.

In plain and simple language, Biden threatened the very essence of our democracy when he called out the justices of the Supreme Court, underscoring the campaign the Democratic Party is undertaking to undermine and coerce the judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, into submission to their political whims.

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The Supreme Court is the last bastion of constitutional fidelity, tasked with interpreting the law as it stands, not as the left wishes.

The 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision, a testament to the court’s dedication to constitutional principles, has been met with unabashed hostility from Democrats and the Biden administration. Their response is not to engage in civil discourse or legislative action, but rather to incite public unrest and deploy intimidation tactics against justices, eroding respect for judicial independence.

This was not an isolated incident but a pattern of behavior.

From then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s ominous warning in March 2020 that Republican-nominated justices would “pay the price” for their rulings, to attempts to pack the Supreme Court with ideological allies, the Democratic leadership has consistently demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice the judiciary’s integrity on the altar of political correctness.

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Even more concerning is the Department of Justice’s selective enforcement of the law, turning a blind eye to acts of intimidation and violence against pro-life advocates and justices.

This only emboldens those who seek to undermine the court through fear and violence. It starkly contrasts the treatment of conservatives and pro-life individuals with the kid-glove treatment of radical leftists.

Biden’s remarks at the State of the Union, far from being just another one of his numerous gaffes, represent a continuation of the Democrats’ aggressive campaign against the judiciary.

Their efforts to intimidate and undermine the Supreme Court are more than just political maneuvering; they are a direct challenge to the principles of democracy and the rule of law that form the bedrock of our republic.

It is our duty, our challenge, to ensure that these principles are not only preserved but also strengthened for future generations. We must maintain an independent judiciary, free from the shackles of political partisanship.

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We must stand firm in our convictions and steadfast in our resolve or, as Reagan warned, our freedom will be extinguished.

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Perry O. Hooper Jr. is a former Alabama state representative and served as an at-large delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention.
Perry O. Hooper Jr. is a former Alabama state representative and served as an at-large delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention.
