
Fani Willis Throws a Tantrum to Jim Jordan as Contempt Deadline Arrives


Infamous Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has begun giving off the impression that she enjoys the public humiliation that came from her affair with special prosecutor Nathan Wade.

That, at least, would be some explanation for her defiant and petulant response to Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan’s request that she send documents from the DA’s office regarding their use of federal funding to the House Judiciary Committee.

As reported by Newsweek, Jordan initially sent Willis a subpoena on Feb. 2 requesting she send documents that recorded how the DA’s office spent federal funds, and requesting the documents be sent by Feb. 28.

When such records were not forthcoming from Willis’ office, Jordan sent her another letter, threatening to hold her in contempt of Congress if she did not send the documents by March 28.

As shown in this picture shared to the social media platform X by CNN Correspondent Zachary Cohen, Willis insisted she was not not “deficient” in responding to the “Committee’s subpoena dated February 2, 2024.”

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Instead, she insisted that “we have already provided you with substantial information about our programs that are funded via federal grants.”

Indeed, according to Willis, Jordan’s “extensive document demands” were “unreasonable and uncustomary and would require this government office to divert resources from our primary purpose of prosecuting crime.”

Should Fani Willis be impeached?

That was rather rich coming from Willis.

Remember, Willis was the one who tried to jam through Trump’s trial on a hurried and unrealistic timeline.

As legal scholar Jonathan Turley explained in USA Today, the time required to actually try these convictions would not prevent Trump from running, or even from getting to the White House.

Not that such concerns have apparently troubled Willis’ mind, or her single minded, almost maniacal drive to bring Trump to trial come hell or high water.

Speaking of which, Willis had one more weapon in her identity politics arsenal before bidding Jordan a good day.

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Lest you were worried on this score, Willis did not neglect to end her letter with a strategic and obvious use of the race card, telling Jordan “My family, my staff, and I have been threatened repeatedly by people making violent, often racist, attacks. Neither those threats, nor anything your colleagues say or do, will deter us from fulfilling our duty to bring this case to trial.”

Oh, please.

Willis has pulled this card before, when the allegations regarding her and Wade’s affair first came out.

She even had the gall to deliver a self-pitying, self-congratulatory speech at a local church, deriding all her critics as jealous racists who couldn’t handle the idea of a black woman in a position of power.

The fact of the matter was, in this instance, Willis had no leg to stand on.

Her complaining to Jordan that he requested the documents in much too short a time frame was hypocritical, considering the constrained timeline under which she wanted to prosecute Trump, and her accusations of racism were nothing but baseless red herrings.

How, after all these months of embarrassment on a national scale, could Willis still respond to Jordan in such a hostile and confrontational way?

The woman, it seems, has never been troubled by the slightest stirrings of shame.


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