
Watch: NYC Mayor Tells Residents to Stop Saying Crime Is Up, Says 'Perception' Is Making it Look Worse


Eric Adams, New York’s incompetent mayor, is urging residents to live in a state of denial by pretending that the terrifying crime wave that has escalated on his watch isn’t real.

He told New Yorkers not to believe their own eyes, claiming the runaway crime that has become emblematic of his disastrous tenure is a mass delusion.

“Can we please stop saying we’re up in crime in our subway system? We are not! We’re down in crime in the subway system,” Adams said during a news conference Wednesday.

The Democrat then reiterated a controversial comment he had made in 2022, when he told New Yorkers that it was their perception of crime — not crime itself — that had skyrocketed.

Adams insisted that “perception is playing into this” and “perception can override this.”

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Adams made the absurd statements while touting statistics released Wednesday by the New York Police Department claiming that overall crime — including subway crimes — had fallen from the previous year.

Even if the NYPD statistics were correct, that’s hardly an achievement the mayor should spotlight, since crime was out of control in 2023.

Adams’ laughable suggestion that subway crimes are merely figments of people’s imaginations contradicts the grim reality they encounter daily.

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If New York subways are safe, why have additional police officers been stationed citywide and National Guardsmen called in?

Meanwhile, an internal NYPD document reviewed by the New York Post indicates that crime has surged to “levels unseen in nearly two decades.”

“For the second year in a row under Adams, overall crime was on the rise — driven by a historic surge in assaults —  which neared 28,000 for the first time in the city’s publicly recorded history, according to the police department’s rolling report,” the outlet reported.

“While Adams has been touting his success in his war against crime, citing a slight dip reported at the end of 2023, the rolling report shows that the early-year victory lap was premature,” the Post said.

“The number of seven major crimes in 2023 jumped to 127,111 once around 430 upgrades were accounted for, marking the highest totals since 2006 for the second year in a row, according to the police data.”

Democratic City Councilman Bob Holden told the Post that “the reported stats [are] barely scratching the surface” and that his constituents constantly lament that crime has spiraled out of control.

“All I ever hear from storekeepers and constituents is that they stopped reporting crimes, because of the revolving-door criminal injustice system,” Holden said. “It’s a fact every New Yorker lives with daily.”

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


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