
3 Police Officers Shot in Fatal Ambush - One Teen Suspect Was Released Without Bond last Month


Three Memphis police officers were shot, one fatally, in an early Friday shooting that also killed an 18-year-old suspect.

Interim Memphis Police Chief C.J. Davis said Joseph McKinney, who joined the force in 2020, was killed.

One wounded officer was in non-critical condition at Regional One Health. The other wounded officer was treated at the scene after being grazed, according to WHBQ-TV.

Davis said that when officers responded to a call of a suspicious vehicle at about 2 a.m., the occupants of the vehicle opened fire as soon as police arrived, according to CBS.

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Police returned fire before the vehicle drove away.

The vehicle stopped again after a short pursuit. Both suspects were taken into custody then and sent to the hospital in critical condition from gunshot wounds.

The 18-year-old suspect, who later died, had been arrested in March on auto theft charges. At the time, the suspect had an illegally modified semi-automatic weapon. At the time, the suspect was released without bond.

The second suspect is 17 years old, police said.

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“The men and women of the Memphis Police Department are hurt right now,” Davis said, according to WHBQ. “As chief of police, I am hurt right now. Once again, senseless deaths in our community by gun violence.”

“We’re not just concerned about our officers, we’re concerned about the public in general,” Davis said, according to the Memphis Commercial Appeal.

“This could have been anybody. We’re just really, really disturbed at the boldness and the use of weapons in all these different situations that we’re seeing in our community. We have a family that’s grieving now. We have a wife that’s grieving now. We have the family of the suspects that are grieving,” Davis said.

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“As a community, we have to do better. We have to ensure that parents know where young people are at three o’clock in the morning. We need to work as a community to do whatever we can with reducing gun violence in our community.”

“We are heartbroken of the lives lost, our fallen officer and this senseless act of violence,” Mayor Paul Young said, according to CBS.

According to WHBQ, it has only been slightly more than a year since the last Memphis police officer was killed. Officer Geoffrey Redd was killed on Feb. 18, 2023.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal


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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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