
America's Farms Are Disappearing, the Food Goes Next


The following article is sponsored by My Patriot Supply.

Farmers and ranchers are walking away from land their families have owned for generations.

Government regulations, elite infringement and rising operational costs are making it nearly impossible for American farms to survive.

Most of us rarely consider where our food comes from. We shop in chain grocery stores and order food at drive-thru windows.

We get frustrated with the rising food prices and may have to cut back, but we expect food will be there when we want it.

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But without farmers, where will our food come from?

Imagine how much higher food prices will skyrocket when all the food we consume is imported, once American farmers have said, “No more.”

Now imagine how we would get food if the United States were to face an economic collapse, a nationwide grid failure or engagement in a conflict.

If American farmers can’t farm the land, American citizens can’t eat.

True American Farms Will Soon Be a Thing of the Past

The backbone of America’s food chain is its farmers and ranchers, but that may soon be a thing of the past.

Especially if the elites get their way.

Mega-millionaires are buying up swathes of American farmland — but not to use it as farmland.

They’re doing it to prevent farmers from farming. Instead, they are building synthetic meat labs and bug factories.

But it’s not just the elites …

The government is making it practically impossible to be a farmer and earn a living in the United States.

Our government continues to add regulation after regulation.

Their focus is more on climate concerns than enabling farmers to provide American citizens with the food they need to survive.

The American beef industry is already at its record low, and now ranchers must deal with the opinions of those who have never raised cattle telling them how to do it.

The government regulates the amount of space they must have, the types of fertilizers they can and cannot use, and what they feed their cattle.

Regulations require farmers to spend more money than they are making.

The loss of these farming businesses explains why the huge amounts of beef that Americans purchase are not from the United States.

Not only is much of our beef imported, but an alarming amount of America’s meat industry is also under foreign ownership.

Citizen Farming Sees Threats of Criminality

As scary as the disappearance of the traditional American farm is, it is even more terrifying when you learn that there are individuals with large platforms suggesting that farming is criminal.

These individuals argue that farming, hunting and fishing are crimes equal to genocide.

They call it “ecocide.”

This push toward creating a new criminal category puts the agricultural sector right in the crosshairs, potentially transforming how American farms operate — and affecting our daily food supply chain.

It’s just a small step from large farm operations to our own backyard farms being at risk.

With laws against ecocide in place, local governments could exert control over how we grow our own food on our own private property.

The Future May Be Farmless, But You Don’t Have to Starve

Unless things drastically change, we predict there will be a day in the near future when Americans will not be able to get food with ease.

Shelves will be empty. The few remaining products will be too expensive. Eventually, looting and rioting will follow. Chaos will ensue.

If you’re paying attention, you know it’s coming.

You’ve seen one farm shutter after another. You’ve noticed food prices climbing. You’re seeing the push to eat synthetic meat and vegetables.

Only those who have paid attention and prepared will know how to navigate this new America.

This is why more Americans aren’t waiting to build up an emergency food supply. They are making sure their families will be fed — no matter what happens.

And they’re doing it with the help of My Patriot Supply. 

Stay Fed for the Long Haul

My Patriot Supply — the largest preparedness company in the country — has served over 2 million families and is making it easier than ever for you to secure your food future.

With the 4-Week Emergency Food Supply from My Patriot Supply, setting up for a crisis becomes a matter of a single, effortless step.

Even better? For a limited time, this essential food stash is yours for $50 OFF.

Whether you’re an experienced survivalist or just beginning, this kit from My Patriot Supply is a crucial addition to your stockpile. It lasts up to 25 years, ensuring you’re ready for any challenge at any time.

Packed with 16 food varieties in robust packaging for long-term storage, this 4-Week Emergency Food Supply will feed one person for four weeks when eating 2,000 calories per day.
All you need is water and heat to whip up these delicious meals. Simply boil some water, mix it with the food and then let it cook. In a matter of minutes, you’ll have food ready for the whole family.

Make sure each family member has his or her own kit so nobody goes hungry when farms are unable to meet America’s supply demands.

With this special $50 DISCOUNT, there’s no better time to buy. Secure this offer now and stay fed for the long haul.

Prepare Your Food Future Now

Any preparedness expert will tell you it’s always a good time to prepare. Even a small food stockpile can be a lifesaver! Start with at least one month’s supply.

The 4-Week Emergency Food Kit from My Patriot Supply is an excellent choice to meet that need.

With this special $50 discount, you can increase your supply beyond one month’s worth of delicious and nutritious food. Take advantage of this offer and stock up on several months’ worth of emergency food.

Whether America’s food supply chain comes to a halt or a natural disaster takes out the power, having this kit from My Patriot Supply will make sure you have the calories you need to face any challenge.

Don’t delay making sure your family can survive whatever is coming. Invest in your food future and take this crucial first step.

Click the link and secure a 4-Week Emergency Food Kit for $50 OFF for EVERY member of your family.

Don’t wait until it’s too late …


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