
'Where Is Biden?' Trends After Trump Steps Up and Does What the President Won't


As usual, whenever the country has been beset by a crisis, Joe Biden is nowhere to be seen.

While not at all a new phenomenon, this time his absence has been noticeable enough for it to start a trend on social media platform X.

Specifically, in light of Biden seemingly being MIA regarding the pro-Palestinian protests besieging college campuses all over the country, the phrase “Where is Biden?” is beginning to gain traction among the good folks on X.

From editing Biden eating ice cream over images of the intense protests of a flaming dumpster, to innumerable posts asking where Biden has been amid this chaos, the folks of X have been trying to get some kind of response out of Sleepy Joe.

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Kellie Meyer, the NewsNation correspondent for Washington, D.C., likewise pointed out how tepid Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates’ statement was regarding the protests.

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In particular, she singled out the phrase “Forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful.”

Sure, the statement insisted Biden has “stood against repugnant, Antisemitic smears and violent language his whole life,” but aside from condemning “hate speech,” he said nothing explicitly regarding the actual violence perpetrated by the protesters and the cause they uphold.

Something Donald Trump, even in the midst of politically motivated legal battles, had no problem doing.

Calling in to Sean Hannity’s show on Tuesday, Trump denounced the protesters, telling Hannity that “I’m watching Jewish politicians abandon Israel, and I’ve seen it and you’ve seen it.”

He then went on to tell Hannity that “Oct. 7 was beyond violent, it was things done to people that nobody’s ever seen before … and a lot of people, people that are out there protesting, they deny Oct. 7 ever happened.”

Indeed they have.

Perhaps not outright, but, as Trump told Hannity, at the very least, many of the protesters minimize the destruction wrought by Hamas on Oct. 7, or insist that it was justified by Israel’s “crimes” against “Palestine.”

Trump continued, saying, “When you have people out there protesting, and they’re denying that Oct. 7 ever took place, they’re … brainwashed … we have to let Israel complete their war on terror. It’s a horrible thing, but they have to do it, and they have to do it fast, and we have to get back to order.”

If only the current president of the United States could be bothered to speak so strongly against students advocating for terrorist organizations.

Of course, Trump, in addition to being absolutely correct on almost every point, could afford to be forceful.

Most people on the right have been overwhelmingly in support of Israel regarding this war.

Biden has not had that luxury.

Instead, the Democrat base has been incredibly divided, with more old-school Democrats allying themselves with Israel, many of the Democrats in Washington publicly calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to step down and the college protesters themselves occupying the far-left voting bloc.

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If Biden wants the ghost of a chance of winning the election in November, then he cannot risk alienating the violent thugs holding college campuses hostage.

Hence, as before when contentious movements have rocked the country, Biden issued a few tepid statements, then hid from the consequences.

And, coming from the ostensible leader of the free world, that is just cowardly.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


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Josh Manning

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